Prepare Solution Listing Page


Living Documents

Please note that this guidance is a set of living documents and will be regularly updated.

Some processes have yet to be fully defined - these will be added as they are completed.

The processes are under continual review and will be amended as required.

Having successfully passed both the Capabilities Assessment and the Standards Compliance stages, you can progress to populating Catalogue Solution listing information, which will form the Solution’s Marketing Page on the Buying Catalogue.

If the your progress towards completing Standards Assurance has been delayed or blocked, it may be possible to agree a Work Off Plan which will allow your Solution to be published on the Buying Catalogue while you continue to work towards full compliance.


Accurate details of your Solution are published on the Buying Catalogue.

Actions required of you

  1. Complete the Catalogue Listing template when emailed to you by the NHSE team. There are a number of sections which need to be filled out but you can delete any which aren’t relevant to your Solution:

    • Your Supplier name

    • Catalogue Solution Name

    • Solution Description

      • Summary

      • About

    • Features

    • Integrations

      • NHS Assured Integrations

      • Supplier Asserted Integrations

    • Implementation Timescales

    • Client Application Type

    • Hosting Type

    • Roadmap

    • About Supplier

    • Contact Details

    • Service Level Information

  2. Upload the completed Catalogue Solution Listing template to SharePoint and email your Supplier Manager copying in

  3. When prompted by your Supplier Manager, sign off the Solution Listing final version, email it to the Supplier Manager and upload to SharePoint

Actions required of us

  1. Email the Catalogue Listing template to you

  2. Review and check the template once returned to us

  3. Send the Catalogue Listing final version to you for sign off