Change Requests
Living Documents
Please note that this guidance is a set of living documents and will be regularly updated.
Some processes have yet to be fully defined - these will be added as they are completed.
The processes are under continual review and will be amended as required.
When you want to make a change to the scope of your Solution, and have this change displayed on the Buying Catalogue, you must register the change through the Onboarding Process and, where necessary, have it assured.
You can increase the scope of your Solution
The Buying Catalogue and the Programme’s compliance records are kept up to date with the correct Solutions offered by you
Actions required of you
Complete the Catalogue Solution Change Request form and upload it to SharePoint
Email your Supplier Manager copying in to inform them that the Catalogue Solution Change Request form has been uploaded
Email updated Traceability Matrices to your Supplier Manager copying in If not all Traceability Matrices are impacted, provide your Supplier Manager with a statement to confirm the reason why it’s not impacted.
Sign off the Change Request form which has the Programme’s outcome
Sign off changes on Marketing Page
Actions required of us
Review the Catalogue Solution Change Request form
Perform checks to ensure that the changes are in line with the needs and objectives of the Framework
Liaise internally with the Commercial team and Design Authority to approve the changes
Ask the Supplier to sign off the revised version
Progress the updates on the Catalogue listing page
Make changes on Marketing Page
Ask Supplier to sign off changes on Marketing Page