Mental Health Standards List
This list of standards has been collected to enable a reference table to be created and linked to the EPR procurement catalogue.
The majority of these standards are already collated on the following websites: NHS Data Standards Directory and NHS Digital - Approved standards and collections
Mental Health - Overarching Standards
These standards are overarching and apply to all requirements and user stories.
ID | Title | Description | Owner | Approver | Approver Identifier |
STD006 | Anonymisation Standard for Publishing Health and Social Care Data | This process standard for publishing health and social care data provides an agreed and standardised approach to anonymisation. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB1523 |
STD016 | Clinical Risk Management: its Application in the Deployment and Use of Health IT Systems | Prepared by the NHS Digital Clinical Safety team, this standard is designed to help health and care organisations assure the clinical safety of their health IT software | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB0160 |
STD017 | Clinical Risk Management: its Application in the Manufacture of Health IT Systems | Prepared by the NHS Digital Clinical Safety team, this standard is designed to help manufacturers of health IT software evidence the clinical safety of their products | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB0129 |
STD050 | The ISO 8000 series provides frameworks for improving data quality for specific kinds of data. The series defines which characteristics of data are relevant to data quality, specifies requirements applicable to those characteristics, and provides guidelines for improving data quality. | International Organization for Standardization | International Organization for Standardization | ISO 8000-1 | |
STD051 | ISO 9001 sets out the criteria for a quality management system. This standard is based on a number of quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach and continual improvement. | International Organization for Standardization | International Organization for Standardization | ISO 9000-1 | |
STD053 | VERSION 6.0 is an update to DCB0011: Collect details of children and adults in contact with mental health and wellbeing services (excluding Improving Access to Adult Psychological Therapies) to meet national reporting requirements. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB0011 | |
STD077 | The Service Standard provides the principles of building a good service. This manual explains what teams can do to build great services that will meet the standard. | UK Government |
| |
STD082 | The Standard of Good Practice for Information Security (SOGP) is a framework developed by the Information Security Forum (ISF) to help organizations establish and maintain effective information security management systems. An internationally recognised set of good practice covering all aspects of cyber resilience, cloud security and information risk management. | Information Security Forum |
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STD101 | Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) is a unique 12-digit identifier for every addressable location in Great Britain. UPRNs are created and managed by GeoPlace, a partnership between Ordnance Survey and Local Government Association. They are assigned to properties at the planning stage and remain with the property throughout its lifecycle, even if the address changes. | GeoPlace |
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STD102 | An Information Standard which sets out definitions that are to be used when a health professional sends or receives patient medication and allergy/intolerance information, by computer system, between care locations. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB4013 | |
STD103 | The Digital Technology Assessment Criteria (DTAC) is a set of criteria for assessing the safety, security, and usability of digital health technologies. It was developed by the NHS in England to help organizations make informed decisions about which digital health technologies to adopt. | NHS England |
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STD104 | UK General Data Protection Regulation is a comprehensive law that sets out the rules for how organizations can collect, use, and store personal data. It gives individuals more control over their personal data and requires organizations to be more transparent about how they use it. | Information Commissioners Office |
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STD106 | Health informatics — Standard communication protocol — Computer-assisted electrocardiography | This specifies the common conventions required for the interchange of specific patient data (demographic, recording conditions ...), ECG signal data and metadata, ECG measurements and ECG annotations, and ECG interpretation results | International Organization for Standardization | International Organization for Standardization | ISO 41064:2023 |
Mental Health - Context Specific Standards
These standards have been explicitly mapped to the requirements and user stories in the catalogue
ID | Title | Description | Owner | Approver | Approver Identifier |
STD004 | This standard applies to any NHS setting in England where automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technologies (i.e. barcodes and RFID tags) are used as enablers to improve patient safety, ensure greater clinical effectiveness and drive operational efficiencies. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB0108 | |
STD013 | A national programme delivering a solution to share a specified data set between children's social care and health unscheduled care settings in order to help protect children at risk | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB1609 | |
STD029 | This information standard is a dictionary for use in the NHS of medicines licensed in the United Kingdom | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | SCCI0052 | |
STD030 | DICOM is the international standard to transmit, store, retrieve, print, process, and display medical imaging information. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB1556 | |
STD039 | The information standard provides reference data about the Organisations that comprise the health and social care services, including non-direct-care Organisations, primarily in England but also in the other UK-constituent countries. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB0090 | |
STD043 | Identity Verification and Authentication Standard for Digital Health and Care Services | This standard provides for a consistent approach to identity management across digital health and care services, covering: verification, authentication and clinical authorisation | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB3051 |
STD045 | The Data Security and Protection (DSP) Toolkit is an online tool that enables relevant organisations to measure their performance against the data security and information governance requirements mandated by the Department of Health and Social Care, notably the 10 data security standards set by the National Data Guardian. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB0086 | |
STD062 | This information standard sets out the scope and use of the NHS Number, which is the unique identifier for a patient within the NHS in England and Wales. There is an overarching standard, supplemented by two use cases for how the standard should be used in general practice and secondary care | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB0149 | |
STD080 | SNOMED CT is the information standard for clinical terminology; it is an international standard published by SNOMED International providing a global common language for health terms. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | SCCI0034 | |
STD097 | Standards for digital outpatient letters allow clinical information to be recorded, exchanged and accessed consistently across care settings. Best practice for most outpatient letters is writing directly to patients. | Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) |
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STD116 | A standard to allow the sharing of care plans between patients, carers and all the health and care professionals involved in that person's care. This is an updated version of the original Digital care and support plan, published in 2018 and now includes the elements for community mental health planning. | Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB4022 | |
STD117 | Record the information that care home staff should see in a shared care record. Sharing this information between health and social care is critical to the wellbeing of people receiving care and to the professionals who care for them. | Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) |
Additional Standards
These standards are not currently mapped directly to any specific requirements or user stories in the catalogue but may additionally apply in the context of specific mental health settings.
ID | Title | Description | Owner | Approver | Approver Identifier |
STD001 | This information standard aims to make sure that people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss get appropriate information and communication support from NHS and adult social care services. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB1605 | |
STD002 | The Aggregate Contract Monitoring (ACM) information standard enables the interchange of monthly aggregate contract monitoring data between commissioners and providers of healthcare in a uniform format. This will ensure that contract monitoring and reporting is consistent, comparable and fit for purpose across all commissioning organisations and their footprints. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB2050 | |
STD003 | AIDC for Patient Identification defines how to encode NHS approved patient identifiers into a two-dimensional barcode | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB1077 | |
STD005 | Ambulance Electronic Patient Report (AEPR) standard defines the | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB 1516 | |
STD008 | This data collection informs NHS England's monitoring of the progress in moving people with learning disabilities from inpatient to community settings. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB2007 | |
STD009 | The purpose of this operational information standard is to notify births, allocate NHS Numbers for newborns and send birth details to all relevant departments, thereby fulfilling statutory and screening requirements to notify others outside the maternity department of the birth. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB1555 | |
STD010 |
| NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB 1597 | |
STD011 | The national standard for reporting cancer in the NHS in England. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB1521 | |
STD012 |
| NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB 0085 | |
STD014 |
| NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB 0146 | |
STD015 | This data set aims to enable comprehensive collection of robust data from laboratories on all chlamydia testing carried out in England, in order to estimate population screening coverage rates at local level. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | SCCI1538 | |
STD018 | Commissioning Data Sets are patient level data sets intended to deliver robust, comprehensive, nationally consistent and comparable person-based information on hospital activity to support a variety of secondary use purposes. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB0092 | |
STD019 | Type 011: Emergency Care Data Set (ECDS) is the Commissioning Data Set (CDS) Type for emergency care services. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB0092-2062 | |
STD020 | The Community Services Data Set (CSDS) is a patient level, output based, secondary uses data about publicly funded Community Services. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB1069 | |
STD021 | Provides a set of requirements to ensure that all health and adult social care organisations in England can comply with the National data opt-out policy | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB3058 | |
STD022 | Monthly aggregate data collection to monitor consultant-led referral to treatment (RTT) waiting times. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB0095 | |
STD023 | The COVER (Cover of Vaccination Evaluated Rapidly) surveillance scheme evaluates the childhood immunisation programme in England, collating data for children aged 1, 2 and 5. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB0089 | |
STD024 |
| NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB 0153 | |
STD026 | The Devices Patient Level Contract Monitoring (DePLCM) information standard enables the interchange of monthly patient level device contract monitoring data between commissioners and providers of healthcare in a uniform format. This will ensure that device contract monitoring and reporting is consistent, comparable and fit for purpose across all commissioning organisations and their footprints. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB3002 | |
STD027 |
| NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB 0073 | |
STD028 | The Diagnostic Imaging Data set (DID) is a central collection of detailed information about diagnostic imaging tests carried out on NHS patients, to be extracted and submitted monthly. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | SCCI1577 | |
STD031 | An information standard for maternity services, to ensure that maternity record information is consistently captured and as a result can be shared more easily across health care systems. | Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB3066 | |
STD032 | The Drugs Patient Level Contract Monitoring (DrPLCM) information standard enables the interchange of monthly patient level drug contract monitoring data between commissioners and providers of healthcare in a uniform format. This will ensure that drug contract monitoring and reporting is consistent, comparable and fit for purpose across all commissioning organisations and their footprints. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB2212 | |
STD033 | Send pathology test results from laboratories to GP practices using the Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT) standard. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB 1557 | |
STD034 | Collecting reports of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) via the Yellow Card Scheme. This standard defines a method for submitting the information electronically; this allows IT systems to reduce the burden on the clinician by populating the majority of the Yellow Card submission from the patient's electronic record. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB1582 | |
STD035 | The Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Enhanced Data Set requires organisations to record, collect and return detailed information about FGM within the patient population, as treated by the NHS in England. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | SCCI2026 | |
STD036 | The FGM-IS is a national IT system that supports the ongoing safeguarding of patients, under the age of 18, who have a family history of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB2112 | |
STD037 | Genitourinary Medicine Clinic Activity Dataset (GUMCAD) is the mandatory surveillance system for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in England. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB0139 | |
STD038 | Manage GP registrations and other patient data in National Health Application and Infrastructure Services (NHAIS). | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB 1558 | |
STD040 | Healthcare Resource Groups (HRGs) are standard groupings of clinically similar treatments which use comparable levels of healthcare resource. In their most basic form HRGs are groups of ICD-10 diagnoses and OPCS procedures that have similar resource implications. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB 0070 | |
STD041 | An information standard for child health services, to allow everyone involved in caring for children to share information by using standardised digital records. | Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB3009 | |
STD042 | The HIV and AIDS Reporting System is a data set that underpins national HIV surveillance. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | I1570 | |
STD044 | The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Data Set collects information about adults in contact with psychological therapy services. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB1520 | |
STD048 | The National Interim Clinical Imaging Procedure (NICIP) code set enables accurate ordering of medical procedures. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB 0148 | |
STD049 | International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) is a comprehensive classification of causes of morbidity and mortality and is published by the World Health Organization (WHO). | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | SCCI0021 | |
STD052 | The Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS) is the national information standard for data relating to NHS-funded maternity services. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB1513 | |
STD054 | The National Cancer Waiting Times Monitoring Data Set collects data which is used to monitor NHS providers’ compliance with the government’s operational standards for ensuring that cancer services are delivered to patients in a timely manner. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB0147 | |
STD055 | National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) Data Set | The National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) collects person level, patient identifiable data from drug and alcohol treatment providers at a national level. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB0107 |
STD056 | The National Joint Registry (NJR) data set for joint replacement surgery and joint replacement implants provides activity and outcome data about the orthopaedic sector. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB1567 | |
STD057 | The National Workforce Data Set (NWD), which includes the NHS occupation codes, specifies the data standards to be used for NHS workforce information. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB1067 | |
STD058 | The primary purpose of the NCCMDS is to allow the operation of the National Tariff Payment System (NTPS) within neonatal critical care. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | SCCI0075 | |
STD059 | The Neonatal Data Set is the authoritative source of national information relating to neonatal patient demographics, clinical interventions, diagnoses and outcomes. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB1595 | |
STD060 | An information standard which sets out the rules for an end to end, patient level data set that captures data relating to patient details, NHS CHC eligibility, activity, reviews and care packages. | NHS England |
| Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | |
STD061 |
| NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB 1080 | |
STD064 | This information standard sets out the scope and use of the NHS Number, which is the unique identifier for a patient within the NHS in England and Wales. There is an overarching standard, supplemented by two use cases for how the standard should be used in general practice and secondary care | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB0149-02 | |
STD065 | OPCS-4 is a statistical classification for clinical coding of hospital interventions and procedures undertaken by the NHS. The classification is mandatory for use by health care providers to support various forms of data collections for secondary uses | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB0084 | |
STD066 | The Overseas Visitor Charging Category (OVCC) must be used to record the chargeable status of a patient using NHS services | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB3017 | |
STD067 | The primary purpose of the Paediatric Critical Care Minimum Data Set (PCCMDS) is to allow the operation of the National Tariff Payment System (NTPS) within paediatric critical care. It provides a record of what happens to a patient when they receive care in a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) or other critical care setting suitable for children. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | SCCI0076 | |
STD068 | This information standard specifies the core content to be held in electronic palliative care co-ordination systems (EPaCCS) and supports NHS England's objective to increase the use of technology to help people manage their health and care. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | SCCI1580 | |
STD069 | An information standard to form the basis of sharing pathology test requests and results for all of England. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB4017 | |
STD070 | A specification for the clear and unambiguous display of patient information on an NHS patient identity band. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB0099 | |
STD071 | The Patient Level Contract Monitoring (PLCM) information standard enables the interchange of monthly patient level contract monitoring data between commissioners and providers of healthcare in a uniform format. This will ensure that contract monitoring and reporting is consistent, comparable and fit for purpose across all commissioning organisations and their footprints. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB3003 | |
STD072 | Patient-Level Information and Costing Systems - Ambulance Data Set | Part of a set of two information standards for patient-level costing, to provide a consistent approach to reporting cost information at patient level. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB4001 |
STD073 | Patient-Level Information and Costing Systems - Integrated Data Set | Part of a set of two information standards for patient-level costing, to provide a consistent approach to reporting cost information at patient level. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB4000 |
STD074 | Providers of NHS-funded radiotherapy services are required to submit a monthly return on their delivery of radiotherapy treatments. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB0111 | |
STD076 | This information standard defines the minimum non-functional requirements for a secure email service | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB1596 | |
STD078 | The Sexual and Reproductive Health Activity Dataset (SRHAD) mandates the collection of contraceptive activity data from sexual and reproductive health services. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | SCCI1518 | |
STD079 | Sexual Orientation Monitoring is a new fundamental information standard which monitors the sexual orientation of service users. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB2094 | |
STD081 |
| NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB 0005 | |
STD083 | This information standard supports the national surveillance programme managed by Public Health England in respect of Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAI). | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB0134 | |
STD084 | The Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy (SACT) data set captures activity data relating to the treatment of cancer with medicines. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB1533 | |
STD085 | The core information standard defines a set of information that can potentially be shared between systems in different sites and settings, among professionals and people using services. | Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) |
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STD086 | The Data Security Standards |
| NHS England |
STD087 |
| NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB 1606 | |
STD088 | This information standard defines the Treatment Function and Main Specialty classifications used to support the national reporting and analysis of clinical workforce activity throughout the NHS. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB0028 | |
STD089 | The WCAG 2.1 guidelines are an important tool for making web content more accessible to people with disabilities. | W3C | W3C | WCAG 2.1 | |
STD090 |
| Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) |
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STD091 | An information standard to establish consistency in the creation and issue of transfer of care acute inpatient discharge documents from acute trusts to GP Practice systems. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB4042 | |
STD092 | OAuth 2.0 is an open-standard authorization framework that enables a third-party application to obtain limited access to an authenticated user's account on a web-based service. It works by delegating user authentication to the service that hosts the user account and authorizing third-party applications to access that user account. | Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) | Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) | ISSN: 2070-1721 | |
STD093 | OpenID Connect is a secure and flexible authentication protocol that is widely used on the web. It allows third-party applications to authenticate users without having to share the user's password. This makes it a safer and more convenient way to authenticate users. | OpenID |
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STD095 | vCards are a convenient way to share contact information. They are also a standard format that is supported by most contact management software. | Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) | Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) | RFC6350 | |
STD098 | Standardising information shared so professionals can provide continuity of care when an adult is discharged from mental health services. Includes information on patient history, medications, as well as current and previous diagnoses. | Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) |
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STD099 | Sharing discharge information between Emergency Care and GP practices is essential for ensuring patient safety and good ongoing treatment. | Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) |
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STD105 | The Department of Health and Social Care put in policy that all health and social care providers must follow the 10 Data Security Standards. These were developed by the National Data Guardian. | Digital Social Care |
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STD119 | The Surgical Devices and Implants Core Data Set (SDICDS) enables the national reporting of activity relating to surgical devices and implants in health care settings. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB3103 | |
STD120 | Send bowel cancer screening test results from the screening system to GP practices using the Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT) standard. | NHS England |
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STD121 | This is the information required for the care and support of a person when they are admitted to hospital from a care home in an emergency. This standard is part of a suite of social care standards by the PRSB. | Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) |
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STD122 | Hospital referral for assessment for community care and support | The Hospital referral for assessment for community care and support is the information required when a person is referred for ongoing community assessment after a hospital stay. This standard is part of a suite of social care standards by the PRSB | Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) |
STD123 | Record the most important details that a person wants to share with professionals in health and social care. This information might include how best to communicate with the person, how to help them feel at ease or details about how they like to take their medication. | Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) |
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STD124 | A standard to improve the exchange of referral information from GPs to hospital consultants and other health care professionals providing outpatient services | Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) |
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STD125 | The eDischarge Summary Standard enables hospitals to safely transfer standardised clinical information which can be extracted directly into GP IT systems, when a patient is discharged from hospital care. | Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) |
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STD126 | Record information that is handed over when care is transferred from ambulances to emergency departments to ensure fast, effective sharing of information. Making this information available to emergency care will improve continuity of care. | Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) |
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STD130 | The Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN) provides a generic system to identify medical device products used to diagnose, monitor, treat and prevent disease or injury. | GMDN Agency | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB4004 | |
STD131 | API standards which use the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Release 4 standard for health and care data exchange to create a unified approach to interoperability across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. | NHS England |
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STD132 | Create and transmit documents containing Transfer of Care information to support an inpatient discharge using the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard for health and care data exchange. | NHS England |
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STD133 | Create and transmit documents containing Transfer of Care information to support an emergency care discharge using the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard for health and care data exchange. | NHS England |
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STD134 | Create and transmit documents containing Transfer of Care information to support a mental health discharge using the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard for health and care data exchange. | NHS England |
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STD135 | Create and transmit documents containing Transfer of Care information following an outpatient consultation in a clinic using the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard for health and care data exchange. | NHS England |
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STD136 | Update to DAPB4060. The NHS Booking and Referral Standard (BaRS) has been developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and is an interoperability standard to support patients who require a Booking and Referral across the NHS. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB4060 | |
STD137 |
| NHS England |
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STD138 |
| NHS England |
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STD139 | Newborn and infant physical examination (NIPE) screening programme handbook |
| NHS England |
STD140 | Recommendations from National Patient Safety |
| NHS England |
STD141 | Understanding accessibility requirements for public sector bodies |
| Central Digital |
STD142 |
| Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists |
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STD144 | The WHO Surgical Safety Checklist was developed after extensive consultation aiming to decrease errors and adverse events, and increase teamwork and communication in surgery. The 19-item checklist has gone on to show significant reduction in both morbidity and mortality and is now used by a majority of surgical providers around the world. | World Health Organization |
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STD145 | Data Provision Notice to require the submission of data from those ambulance services which have agreed to participate in a pilot of EPR data for the Ambulance Data Set. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB3107 | |
STD146 | A standard to share information between NHS 111 and other organisations, such as GPs and ambulance services, and query the Repeat Caller Service. | NHS England |
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STD147 |
| NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB3088 | |
STD148 | Monthly outcomes for ambulance patients with stroke, cardiac arrest, heart attacks, or sepsis. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB3028-01 | |
STD149 | Monthly response times, transport to Emergency Department, call and incident counts | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB3028-02 | |
STD150 | Fleet data for Model Ambulance |
| NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB4035 |
STD151 | The Statement of Fitness for Work was introduced in April 2010 across England, Wales and Scotland. In 2012 the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) enabled General Practices to produce computer-generated fit notes (eMED3). This new standard builds on this work and legislation changes that came into force in July 2022 allowing fit notes to be issued electronically by a range of healthcare professionals in secondary care. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB4011 | |
STD152 | The Monthly Referral Return (MRR) contains data relating to GP and other referrals for first consultant-led outpatient appointments focusing on all treatment functions and specific acute treatment functions. MRR figures are submitted monthly from June 2020 by NHS trusts and independent sector providers treating NHS patients. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DCB3023-01 | |
STD153 | API standards to provide a structured way to record dosage instructions between primary and secondary care settings. | NHS England |
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STD154 | NHS England has built the Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag in the NHS Spine to enable health and care professionals to record, share and view details of Reasonable Adjustments across the NHS, wherever the person is treated. The flag indicates that Reasonable Adjustments are required for an individual and optionally includes details of their significant impairments, underlying conditions and key adjustments that should be considered. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB4019 | |
STD155 | These standards are coordinate reference systems (CRS) that provide a way of defining and exchanging accurate 3-dimensional and 2-dimensional global location points. WGS84 is a global CRS which enables the easy transfer of location point information with other countries. It is used in cartography, geodesy and navigation by GPS. ETRS89 is a European CRS widely used to reference location points. The code for this standard in the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) Registry is EPSG::4258. This registry contains information for developers implementing the standard. | Central Digital and Data Office |
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STD156 | The Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) is an 8 digit unique identifier for every street across Great Britain. There are over 1.4 million USRNs in England and Wales. The USRN is underpinned by legislation and statutory functions to name and number streets and maintain highways. USRN never changes and guarantees the identification of the street, providing confidence to those needing authoritative information about the road network. | GeoPlace |
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STD157 | ISO 8601 is an international standard covering the worldwide exchange and communication of date and time-related data. It is maintained by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and was first published in 1988, with updates in 1991, 2000, 2004, and 2019, and an amendment in 2022 | International Organization for Standardization | International Organization for Standardization | ISO 8601 | |
STD158 | It allows emergency services to share electronic incident records. Using this standard means emergency services can reduce the time it takes to respond to an incident, because they can keep each other informed of each other’s emergencies. | Central Digital and Data Office |
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STD159 | This standard enables anyone creating or searching government datasets to use a list of accurate and consistent country codes. | Central Digital and Data Office | International Organization for Standardization | ISO 3166-1:2013 | |
STD160 | The ISO 639-1 standard uses 2 letter codes to represent the names of more than 500 internationally recognised languages. It does not represent languages that are exclusively for machines. Use this standard to make sure you reference languages in a consistent way across your datasets. | Central Digital and Data Office | International Organization for Standardization | ISO 639-1 | |
STD161 | iCalendar is a file format that allows users to send meeting requests and tasks to others, using a website, email, SMS or by exchanging files. | Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) | Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) | RFC5545 | |
STD162 | Use UTF-8, an encoding form for Unicode character sets, for government digital services and technology. | Central Digital and Data Office |
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STD163 | Consistent and standards-based comma-separated values (CSV) files help make data more effective and easier to share across government. | Central Digital and Data Office |
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STD164 | Manage GP practice appointments between different systems using the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard for health and care data exchange. | NHS England |
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STD165 | Urgent & Emergency Care Interoperability & Technical Standards | The NHS England Integrated Urgent Care Service Specification references a number of current Interoperability and Technical Standards that should be supported by supplier systems used by UEC providers. | NHS England |
STD166 | The National Interim Clinical Imaging Procedure code set (NICIP) is a list of codes and descriptions for the coded and textual representation of clinical imaging procedures in electronic systems in the NHS. The standard provides a common, consistent and unambiguous representation of imaging procedures, for consistent recording and sharing of information. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | ISB 0148 | |
STD167 | An Information Standard to enable social prescribing support provision to be recorded, amended and maintained collaboratively between patients, link workers and health and care professionals. | NHS England | Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB) | DAPB4066 | |
STD168 | Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration API standards | Use these API standards to share medication requests between Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (ePMA) systems and hospital pharmacy or stock control systems. | NHS England |
STD169 | The Personal Demographics Service (PDS) is the national master database of all NHS patients in England, Wales and the Isle of Man - holding basic patient details such as name, address, date of birth, contact details, registered GP, nominated pharmacy and NHS number. | NHS England |
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STD170 | Become a Spine Mini Service Provider (SMSP) giving access to patients' personal information, such as name, address, date of birth, related people, registered GP and NHS number, using our Spine Mini Service Provider (SMSP) API standards. | NHS England |
Change Log
Date | Description of Changes |
15/05/2024 | Updated the layout and format to match the Ambulance and Maternity care settings. The rest of the content has not changed. |