Maternity Record: Record and Patient Administration

Maternity Record: Record and Patient Administration


v1.0 - March 2024



Important Information

Within this requirements catalogue we use the terms woman, women, and pregnant women. However, we recognise that some transgender men, non-binary people and people with variations in sex characteristics (VSC) or who are intersex may also access maternity services. Maternity services and delivery of care must therefore be appropriate, inclusive, and sensitive to the needs of everyone who accesses maternity services, including those who are trans, non-binary or intersex. 


Capability M1.01

The solution must support a full patient list view of all women who have booked (and are waiting to be booked) which must be able to be displayed at a Community Team level and assigned midwife level together with their named Obstetrician. This must include details of each woman's current gestation and expected date of delivery (EDD).

M1.01.1 - List of Women Allocated to Community Teams

M1.01.1 - List of Women Allocated to Community Teams

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional, Hospital Administrator or Manager

I want to be able to view a list of pregnant or postnatal women by their Community Team and or named midwife allocation

So that I can track appointments and administrative or clinical tasks for the group of women

Acceptance criteria:

Given that a Health Care Professional, Hospital Administrator or Manager is permitted to view lists of women on the system

When the Health Care Professional, Hospital Administrator or Manager logs onto the system

Then the Health Care Professional, Hospital Administrator or Manager will be able to see a full list women who have booked (and are waiting to be booked) by their Community Team (i.e. traditional team or Continuity of Carer (CoC) team, or both)

And the list of women will include their demographics, displayed at a community team level showing the following details:

  • Named midwife

  • Named obstetrician

  • Current gestation

  • Expected Date of Delivery (EDD)

Standards Compliance

STD157 Formatting dates and times in data

Capability M1.02

The solution must record the name of the maternity health care professional delivering care and acting as the named midwife and where applicable the named consultant for the woman.

M1.02.1 - Name of Maternity Health Care Professional on a Woman's Record

M1.02.1 - Name of Maternity Health Care Professional on a Woman's Record

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional, Hospital Administrator or Manager

I want to be able to add the name of a Maternity Health Care Professional to a woman's record on the system

So that I can know the associated Lead Health Care Professional providing care and is the named midwife or the named consultant

Acceptance Criteria 1

Given that a Health Care Professional, Hospital Administrator or Manager is permitted to edit a woman's record on the system

When the named midwife or named consultant is known

Then there will be a provision to add, the associated Lead Health Care Professional acting as the named midwife or the named consultant to the record

Acceptance Criteria 2

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to edit a woman’s record on the system

When the Health Care Professional records care delivery

Then there will be a provision to add to the record, the associated Lead Health Care Professional delivering care

Acceptance Criteria 3

Given that a Health Care Professional, Hospital Administrator or Manager is permitted to view a woman’s record on the system

When the Health Care Professional opens the woman's record

Then the record will display the name of the associated Lead Health Care Professional (if it has been recorded) delivering care and or acting as the named midwife or the named consultant

Standards Compliance

STD116 Personalised Care and Support Plan
STD057 National Workforce Data Set
STD088 Treatment Function and Main Specialty Standard

Capability M1.03

The solution must have the ability for a user to work offline and have those changes uploaded (or synchronised) to the record when the connection is restored. The merging must be intelligent, date and timestamped to the clinical event and flag any errors. Once merged any workflows that would have been triggered had the user been online must now be triggered. This must function either when a particular user goes offline, or a wider outage like the whole hospital going offline. This must allow for planned and unplanned offline working.

M1.03.1 - Working Offline and Synchronisation

M1.03.1 - Working Offline and Synchronisation

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want to be able to record information offline on the system

So that I can enter data contemporaneously even when there is no internet connection and the system will synchronise my work when I am back online

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to add clinical information to a woman's record on the system

When the system is offline and the Health Care Professional adds clinical information to the woman's record

Then all offline changes will be synchronised with the woman's record when a connection is restored

And the synchronisation must be date and time stamped
And the date and time of the consultation must be also be recorded
And any errors that occur should be flagged
And any workflow(s) that would have been triggered should be triggered

Standards Compliance

STD157 Formatting dates and times in data

Capability M1.04

The solution must allow users to set “flags” (for both woman and neonate) that warn all other users that a woman or neonate has an alert. Where Trust's clinical systems hold additional alerts, the solution should allow these to be visible within the maternity solution for example safeguarding, vulnerable adults, a child or neonate at risk or previous pregnancy loss.

M1.04.1 - Pregnant Women and Neonatal Flags

M1.04.1 - Pregnant Women and Neonatal Flags

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want to be able to set flags for both women accessing maternity care and / or neonates on the system

So that other Health Care Professionals can be made aware of any risk alerts associated with the woman and / or the neonate

Acceptance Criteria 1

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to add clinical information to a woman's record on the system

When a Health Care Professional needs to set a risk flag for a woman accessing maternity care and / or a neonate

Then the Health Care Professional will be able to set the appropriate risk flag which will inform other Health Care Professionals that the woman has an alert at every appointment and during any part of the maternity pathway (i.e. high or low risk, safeguarding risk, complex social factors)
And the viewing of the content and the nature of the alert will be limited based on user roles (i.e. restricting the viewing of confidential information).

Acceptance Criteria 2

Given that a woman has an alert on their record on the system

When the woman is cared for in non maternity care settings

Then the system will send an alert to the associated Health Care Professional with the details of the risk

And the viewing of the content and the nature of the alert will be limited based on user roles (i.e. restricting the viewing of confidential information)

And the Health Care Professional will also be able to view all existing flags in all settings for a woman accessing maternity care and or a neonate

Acceptance Criteria 3

Given that other Trust clinical systems hold additional alerts for a woman

When the Health Care Professional with the right permission opens a woman's record

Then these additional alerts will be visible to the Health Care Professional at every appointment and during every part of the maternity pathway

And the Health Care Professional will also be able to view all existing flags in all settings for a woman accessing maternity care and or a neonate

Additional Information

The viewing of the content and nature of the alert will be limited based on user roles (i.e. restricting the viewing of confidential information). The solution will alert at every appointment and during any part of the maternity pathway: high or low risk, safeguarding risk, complex social factors. It will also alert staff when the woman is admitted and if the woman has been designated as high risk, providing details of the risk. This will include passing the alert that a woman is pregnant to other systems and services (e.g. if they report to A&E the solution must ensure that the A&E staff know the woman is pregnant).

The term all settings refers to all settings where maternity care is delivered such as Acute, Community and Mental Health settings. Sharing information within the Acute setting such as with / between Maternity and Gynaecology services or the Emergency Department is considered a core requirement. Sharing information with Mental Health settings is considered transformational.


Standards Compliance

STD001 Accessible Information
STD018 Child Protection Information Service (CPIS)
STD036 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM-IS)
STD156 Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag
STD029 Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD130 Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)

Capability M1.05

The solution must provide the capability to automatically generate Trust definable communications. This must include a variety of forms of communication like emails, SMS messages and letters.

M1.05.1 - Trust Definable Communications (Summary of Care Letters)

M1.05.1 - Trust Definable Communications (Summary of Care Letters)

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want the system to automatically generate Trust letters

So that I can easily produce summaries of care to share with women and other Health Care Professionals

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to create summary of care letters on the system

When the Health Care Professional logs onto the system

Then the Health Care Professional will be able to create summary of care letters which will be automatically generated for and sent to women.

Standards Compliance

STD076 Secure Email
STD097 Outpatient letter
STD135 Transfer of Care Outpatient Clinic Letter - FHIR
STD001 Accessible Information

M1.05.2 - Trust Definable Communications (Appointment Letters, and or SMS Messages)

M1.05.2 - Trust Definable Communications (Appointment Letters, and or SMS Messages)

DCF Core Capability

As a Hospital Administrator or Manager

I want the system to automatically generate Trust letters and / or SMS messages

So that I can easily send out appointments and reminders to women

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a Hospital Administrator or Manager is permitted to send letters and / or SMS messages from the system

When the Hospital Administrator or Manager logs onto the system

Then the Hospital Administrator or Manager will be able to create appointment letters and reminders which will be automatically generated for and sent to women as letters and / or SMS messages

Standards Compliance

STD076 Secure Email
STD097 Outpatient letter
STD135 Transfer of Care Outpatient Clinic Letter - FHIR
STD001 Accessible Information

Capability M1.06

The solution must support a link to the live NHS Spine, PDS or any replacement national system to obtain a new NHS number for each neonate in real time.

This must also provide the ability to link to Birth Notification Application (BNA), where the solution can’t obtain an NHS number for the neonate.

The solution must also confirm NHS numbers and synchronise the woman's core demographics.

There should be an option to add an NHS number manually in the event that a woman does not have an NHS number to link to a neonate.

The solution must also be able to capture a local patient identifier (often called a hospital number).

M1.06.1 - National Health Service (NHS) Number Generation for Neonates

M1.06.1 - National Health Service (NHS) Number Generation for Neonates

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want the system to link to the NHS Spine to obtain the new NHS number for the neonate

So that neonates can be given their unique NHS number in real time that can be used for their onward NHS care

Acceptance Criteria 1

Given that a woman's record has already been created on the system

When the woman gives birth and the neonatal record has been created on the system

Then the system will obtain a new NHS number for the neonate in real time from the Live NHS Spine, Patient Demographic Service (PDS) or any replacement system

And the system must also confirm the NHS number and synchronise the woman's core demographics

Acceptance Criteria 2

Given that a woman's record has been created on the system

When the system cannot obtain a new NHS number for the neonate in real time from Live NHS Spine, PDS or any replacement system

Then the system must also provide the ability to link to the Birth Notification Application (BNA)

Acceptance Criteria 3

Given that a woman's record has been created on the system

When the woman does not have an NHS number

Then the Health Care Professional will have an option on the system to manually add an NHS number for the woman to link to a neonate

Standards Compliance

STD009 Birth notifications

Capability M1.07

The solution must flag up potential duplicate registrations by prompting the user to indicate whether the registration is for a multiple birth and record both registrable and non-registrable births for multiple births (e.g. twins born at <24 weeks where one stillborn and one is alive).

M1.07.1 - Preventing Duplicate Registrations for Neonates

M1.07.1 - Preventing Duplicate Registrations for Neonates

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want the system to flag if I am registering a multiple birth

So that their will be no duplication of registration records on the system, but I can register multiple births

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to register neonates on the system

When the Health Care Professional attempts to register more than one neonate

Then the system must prompt the Health Care Professional to acknowledge that multiple registrations are required (e.g. for twins, triplets, etc.)

Standards Compliance

STD009 Birth notifications

Capability M1.08

The solution should have the functionality to close the Maternity record when the pregnancy has ended.

Any closed pregnancy should be accessible via an archive facility within the solution.

It should also handle the closure of a pregnancy when the expected date of delivery (EDD) has elapsed and the outcome is unknown.

Closed pregnancies should prevent automatic interface updates or manual updates to be made to the record.

M1.08.1 - Maternity Record Closure (Pregnancy Episode)

M1.08.1 - Maternity Record Closure (Pregnancy Episode)

DCF Core Capability

As a Hospital Administrator or Manager

I want to be able to close the maternity record when the pregnancy episode has ended or when the expected date of delivery has elapsed and the woman is lost to follow up

So that the pregnancy episode can be closed and the record can no longer be changed

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a maternity record has been created on the system

When the pregnancy episode has ended

Then the Hospital Administrator or Manager will be able to close the associated maternity record on the system

And the closed maternity record will be accessible when needed by any authorised Health Care Professional

Acceptance Criteria 2

Given that a woman is lost to follow up or does not birth at the booked maternity unit

When the Expected Date of Delivery (including additional time) has elapsed, and attempts have been made to locate the woman

Then the Hospital Administrator or Manager should still be able to close the associated maternity record on the system

And the system will prompt for a reason for closing the associated maternity record on the system

And the closed maternity record will be accessible when needed by any authorised Health Care Professional

Acceptance Criteria 3

Given that a maternity record has been closed on the system

When an automatic interface update or manual update is made on the maternity record

Then the system must prevent such updates from happening to the closed maternity record

Standards Compliance

STD009 Birth notifications

M1.08.2 - Maternity Record Closure (Historic Clinical Notes)

M1.08.2 - Maternity Record Closure (Historic Clinical Notes)

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional,

I want to be able to view clinical notes from a woman's previous pregnancy and birth in a "read-only" capacity

So that I can provide personalised care and advice in any future pregnancies

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to view a maternity record on the system

When a Health Care Professional is logged onto the system

Then the Health Care Professional will be able to view clinical notes from a woman's previous pregnancy(ies) and birth(s)

Capability M1.09

The solution should record all relevant non-midwife Health Care Professionals (HCP) who are involved in a woman’s maternity care (including GP, Health Visitor, mental health, social services etc)

Changes to Health Care Professional (HCP) should be identified and a reason given.

The solution should cater for an out of area caregiver and an out of hours HCP, including their details and any additions to the maternity record.

M1.09.1 - Records of Non-Midwife Health Care Professionals

M1.09.1 - Records of Non-Midwife Health Care Professionals

DCF Transformation Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want to be able to record on the system the name of all non-midwife Health Care Professionals

So that I can provide relevant information and care summaries to all the associated non-midwife Health Care Professionals (i.e. General Practitioner (GP), Health Visitor, mental health staff, social services staff etc) caring for the woman

Acceptance Criteria 1

Given that a woman's record is already created on the system

When the authorised Health Care Professional opens the woman's record

Then the Health Care Professional will be able to add to and update the woman's record with the associated non-midwife Health Care Professionals caring for the woman

And the Health Care Professional will also be able to add the reason for updating the woman's record

Acceptance Criteria 2

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to view a woman’s record on the system

When the Health Care Professional opens a new form in the record

Then the associated non-midwife Health Care Professionals caring for the woman can be viewed

Acceptance Criteria 3

Given that a woman's record is already created on the system

When the authorised Health Care Professional opens the woman's record

Then the Health Care Professional will be able to add to the woman's record, the associated out of area caregivers and out of hours Health Care Professionals caring for the woman

Standards Compliance

STD057 National Workforce Data Set
STD085 Core information standard
STD117 Care homes view of shared care records

Capability M1.10

The solution should allow the woman to share their maternity record with any clinician, including those out of area. Out of area caregivers should be able to access the notes over an internet connection. The solution should allow these third party contributions to be written back into the record.

M1.10.1 - Sharing Maternity Records (Maternity Woman)

M1.10.1 - Sharing Maternity Records (Maternity Woman)

DCF Transformation Capability

As a woman receiving maternity care

I want to be able to share my maternity record with any clinician including those outside my Trust or Integrated Care System (ICS)

So that they can have a complete knowledge of my clinical history to provide safe and effective, personalised care

And I don't have to keep repeating my details

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a woman has access to their own digital maternity record on the system

When the woman requires care outside their booked Trust

Then the woman should be able to share their maternity record with any Health Care Professional including those out of their area

Acceptance Criteria 2

Given that the woman has received care at another Trust with a digital maternity care record

When the permitted out of area caregiver accesses the woman's maternity record

Then the permitted out of area caregiver should be able to access the woman's maternity record over an internet connection

And the out of area caregiver should be able to add to the woman's maternity record which can be saved with a date and time stamp

Standards Compliance

STD029 Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD130 Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
STD039 Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data
STD085 Core information standard
STD116 Personalised Care and Support Plan
STD102 Medicine and Allergy/Intolerance Data Transfer
STD057 National Workforce Data Set

M1.10.2 - Sharing Maternity Records (Health Care Professional)

M1.10.2 - Sharing Maternity Records (Health Care Professional)

DCF Transformation Capability

As a Health Care Professional outside the woman's Trust

I want to be fully informed of a woman's maternity history and care

So that I can offer safe and effective, personalised care.

Acceptance Criteria

Given that the woman has received care at another Trust with a digital maternity care record

When the permitted out of area Health Care Professional accesses the woman's maternity record

Then the permitted out of area Health Care Professional should be able to access the woman's maternity record over an internet connection

And the out of area Health Care Professional should be able to add to the woman's maternity record notes which can be saved with a date and time stamp

Standards Compliance

STD029 Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD130 Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
STD039 Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data
STD085 Core information standard
STD116 Personalised Care and Support Plan
STD102 Medicine and Allergy/Intolerance Data Transfer
STD057 National Workforce Data Set

Capability M1.11

The solution should be able to handle cross border activity including capturing moves in and out of the Trust's services. This includes capturing when finances would move. The solution should also be able to handle where the woman moves their care outside the trust without cancelling their primary care location (e.g. going to A&E while on holiday).

M1.11.1 - Cross Border Activities (Clinical History)

M1.11.1 - Cross Border Activities (Clinical History)

DCF Transformation Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want the system to capture all cross border care within the United Kingdom

So that I can have a complete and seamless knowledge of the woman's clinical history and promote safe, effective and personalised care

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a woman has an existing digital maternity record in their booked Trust

When the woman requires care in a different Trust

Then the Health Care Professional in the different Trust will be able to see on the system all the woman's digital maternity records from their booked Trust

And the Health Care Professional in the different Trust will be able to see on the system all moves in and out of the Trust's services

Standards Compliance

STD029 Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD130 Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
STD039 Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data
STD085 Core information standard
STD116 Personalised Care and Support Plan
STD102 Medicine and Allergy/Intolerance Data Transfer

M1.11.2 - Cross Border Activities (Moves In and Out)

M1.11.2 - Cross Border Activities (Moves In and Out)

DCF Transformation Capability

As a Hospital Administrator or Manager

I want the system to capture moves in and out of Trust services

So that I can ensure that the Trust earns the correct tariff for each woman's care

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a woman has an existing record on the maternity system and is receiving care in a Trust

When the woman receives care or moves out of their original Trust to another Trust

Then the system should capture the woman's move out of their original Trust to another Trust

And the system should also capture the finance implication of moves for the woman which would be accessible by the Hospital Administrator or Manager

And the system should not automatically cancel the woman's original Trust as their primary care location

Standards Compliance

STD018 Commissioning Data Sets (CDS)
STD052 Maternity Services Data Set
STD039 Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data
STD088 Treatment Function and Main Specialty Standard
STD049 International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Related Problems (ICD-10) 5th Edition
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD066 Overseas Visitor Charging Category
STD065 OPCS Classification of Interventions and Procedures
STD002 Aggregate Contract Monitoring
STD071 Patient Level Contract Monitoring
STD040 Healthcare Resource Groups (HRG)

Capability M1.12

The solution should be able to transfer data that is known to be true or constant from previous pregnancies if recorded within the solution during a previous pregnancy event to avoid duplication of data entry.

M1.12.1 - Past Pregnancies Data Transfer

M1.12.1 - Past Pregnancies Data Transfer

DCF Transformation Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want the system to be able to transfer data that is known to be true and constant, from past pregnancies to the current pregnancy

So that I do not have to type it again into the new pregnancy record to save time, avoid duplication of data and reduce errors

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a woman has received maternity care in a Trust

When a Health Care Professional is adding a new pregnancy record to the system for the woman

Then the system should be able to transfer data that is known to be true and constant, from past pregnancies to the new pregnancy record including:

  • Maternal blood group

  • Past obstetric history

  • Past surgical history

  • Past medical history

Standards Compliance

STD085 Core information standard

Capability M1.13 - Under Review 03/24

There should be the option to migrate legacy maternity records into any new solution.

M1.13.1 - Legacy Data Migration

M1.13.1 - Legacy Data Migration

DCF Transformation Capability

Important Information

This capability is under review and further information will follow.

Standards Compliance

STD085 Core information standard

Capability M1.14

The solution could allow users to configure personalised shortcuts to complete common text entries in free text boxes and notes

M1.14.1 - Personalised Shortcuts

M1.14.1 - Personalised Shortcuts

DCF Transformation Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want to be able to use personalised shortcuts on the system

So that it will be easy to complete common text entries in free text fields to save time and ensure consistency in recording clinical information

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a Health Care Professional is authorised to log onto the system

When the Health Care Professional needs to enter data in textual format into a record

Then the Health Care Professional will have the option to use personalised shortcuts to enter texts onto the record

And the personalised shortcuts will be user configurable

Capability M1.15

The solution should support the production of NPSA compliant wristbands once the neonate has been allocated an NHS number. It should allow the production of compliant barcode labels for the neonatal blood spot screening test.

NPSA - National Patient Safety Agency

M1.15.1 - National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) Wristband and Barcode Production

M1.15.1 - National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) Wristband and Barcode Production

DCF Transformation Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want the system to have the ability to support the production of NPSA compliant wristbands and barcode labels for the newborn blood spot screening test

So that neonates can receive any necessary care in hospital and access the day 5 newborn blood spot test

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a neonate has been delivered in a Trust

When the neonate has been allocated an NHS number

Then the system must support the production of NPSA compliant wristbands and barcode labels to be used for the day 5 newborn blood spot screening test.

Standards Compliance

STD070 Patient Identifiers for Identity Bands
STD003 AIDC for Patient Identification
STD004 AIDC: Automatic Identification and Data Capture

Capability M1.16

The solution should automatically produce the PDS birth notification which should automatically be sent electronically to the Child Health Information Services (CHIS) once an NHS number has been allocated

M1.16.1 - Patient Demographic Service (PDS) Birth Notification

M1.16.1 - Patient Demographic Service (PDS) Birth Notification

DCF Innovation Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want the system to send a PDS notification to the Child Health Information Services (CHIS)

So that the details of the woman, details of the neonate and some supporting information around the birth are documented and I can meet my legal requirements for birth notification

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a neonate has been delivered in the Trust

When the neonate has been allocated an NHS number

Then the system should automatically produce the PDS birth notification which should be sent electronically to the Child Health Information Services (CHIS)

Standards Compliance

STD009 Birth notifications
STD041 Healthy Child Record Standard
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition

Capability M1.17

The solution could allow changes to be implemented as needed to allow for evolving clinical practices at a local level. Suppliers should outline any limits or additional charges involved in making changes to data or workflows at a local level.

M1.17.1 - Support for Evolving Clinical Practices

M1.17.1 - Support for Evolving Clinical Practices

DCF Innovation Capability

As a health care professional,

I want to be able to access configuration specialists on or off site to support the adaption of workflows,

So that I can support evolving clinical practices at a local level

Acceptance Criteria

Given that the system has been installed

When essential changes are required

Then the system should be flexible to allow the required changes to be implemented accordingly at a local level

And suppliers should outline any limits or additional charges involved in making changes to data or workflows at a local level

Capability M1.18

Where Trust's are using digital tools for translation rather than interpreters during appointments, the solution should store a record of any written translation material in addition to the Health Care Professional's notes. This would assist in communication with a woman who might have issues with communication in English.

The selections of languages to translate could reflect local demographics of the trust. The solution could read aloud the translations for women who have literacy issues.

M1.18.1 - Storing Written Translation

M1.18.1 - Storing Written Translation

DCF Innovation Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want to be able to store a record of any written translation material(s) within the maternity record

So that I can ensure that I have an accurate record of every consultation and ensure that the woman will be fully informed and have equity in their care

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a woman does not understand English

When a Health Care Professional has used the digital language translation tool (which may be from a third party system) to discuss health matters with a woman

Then the system should store a record of any written translation material in addition to the Health Care Professional's notes

And there will be provision on the system to upgrade with additional languages in the future as the demographics changes

Standards Compliance

STD160 Tag content with international language codes
STD001 Accessible Information

Capability M1.19

The solution should capture and/or integrate with other systems holding overseas visitor status data and data for those receiving care from other maternity providers such as the Ministry of Defence (MOD), and private or independent maternity care providers.

M1.19.1 - System Integration (United Kingdom)

M1.19.1 - System Integration (United Kingdom)

DCF Innovation Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want the system to be able to integrate with other maternity systems

So that I can get health data for external women (i.e. women receiving care from other maternity providers such as the Ministry of Defence, private or independent maternity care providers) to enable me to provide safe, effective, personalised and equitable care

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a woman has received care with an external maternity provider

When the woman subsequently engages with NHS maternity care

Then the Health Care Professional will be able to view on the system details of the care provided by external maternity providers (i.e. the Ministry of Defence, private or independent maternity care providers)

Standards Compliance

STD066 Overseas Visitor Charging Category

M1.19.2 - System Integration (Overseas)

M1.19.2 - System Integration (Overseas)

DCF Innovation Capability

As a Hospital Administrator or Manager

I want to be able to capture overseas visitor status from other systems

So that I can charge non-NHS women for their care

Acceptance Criteria

Given the Trust's obligation to establish overseas visitor's status

When the Overseas Visitor Charging Category (OVCC) has been recorded in accordance with information standard DCB3017

Then this information must be shared across all NHS systems

Standards Compliance

STD066 Overseas Visitor Charging Category

Capability M1.20

The solution could allow users to personalise their user interface (UI) such as screen layout, column order, filtering options, display as graph etc.

M1.20.1 - User Interface Personalisation

M1.20.1 - User Interface Personalisation

DCF Innovation Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want to be able to personalise the user interface of the system

So that I can access the features that I use more often and increase accessibility and efficiency

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to access the system

When the Health Care Professional logs onto the system

Then the Health Care Professional will be able to personalise the user interface based on their preferences e.g. choose the screen layout or arrange and display elements in a way that makes sense to them