Maternity Record: Clinical Care

Maternity Record: Clinical Care


v1.0 - March 2024



Important Information

Within this requirements catalogue we use the terms woman, women, and pregnant women. However, we recognise that some transgender men, non-binary people and people with variations in sex characteristics (VSC) or who are intersex may also access maternity services. Maternity services and delivery of care must therefore be appropriate, inclusive, and sensitive to the needs of everyone who accesses maternity services, including those who are trans, non-binary or intersex. 


Capability M1.21

The solution must be able to record the whole timeline for maternity, pre-conception counselling, early pregnancy, antenatal, intrapartum, postnatal and bereavement care. The solution must be available in all hospital, community and home settings. The solution must also provide workflow, alerts and secure documentation to support the safeguarding of women and neonates.

M1.21.1 - Record of Pregnancy Timeline

M1.21.1 - Record of Pregnancy Timeline

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want the system to be able to capture all the applicable forms of interaction with the woman

So that the following are stored securely on the system for reference:

  • all stages of care (i.e. early pregnancy, antenatal, intrapartum, postnatal and bereavement)

  • all interactions including in person, via telephone and video

  • all requests for a woman to re-attend the service

And I will be able to view the aforementioned in a chronological timeline

Acceptance Criteria 1

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to add clinical information to a woman's record on the system

When the Health Care Professional needs to add pregnancy related information to the system

Then the Health Care Professional will be able add any of the following information to the system:

  • all stages of care (i.e. early pregnancy, antenatal, intrapartum, postnatal and bereavement)

  • all interactions including in person, via telephone and video

  • location of all interactions including in person, via telephone and video

  • all requests for woman's to re-attend the service

And the solution must be available in all hospital, community and home settings
And the solution must also provide workflow, alerts and secure documentation to support the safeguarding of women and neonates

Acceptance Criteria 2

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to view lists of women on the system

When the Health Care Professional logs onto the system

Then the Health Care Professional will be able to see the following details regarding the women:

  • all stages of care (i.e. early pregnancy, antenatal, intrapartum, postnatal and bereavement)

  • all interactions including in person, via telephone and video

  • all requests for a woman to reattend the service

And all the interactions captured will be displayed in chronological order
And all the interactions will be available for review when a woman is due for transfer

Additional Information

In terms of telephone (or if applicable video) contact the solution must:

  • Have the ability to capture all telephone calls (or if applicable video calls) or attendances to any maternity unit. These must be summarised and recorded as part of the record, to include the full risk assessment, all relevant history, and appropriate recommendations.

  • Present the calls and attendances as part of a whole maternity record.

  • Be able to capture informal requests for the woman to re-attend so that those that do not attend can be followed up.

  • Enable every interaction to be reviewed on transfer.

  • Ensure that all interactions are captured and displayed in chronological order.

Standards Compliance

STD001 Accessible Information
STD018 Child Protection Information Service (CPIS)
STD036 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM-IS)
STD156 Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag
STD029 Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD130 Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)

Capability M1.22

The solution must allow relevant Health Care Professionals to input data relating to all stages of maternity care (pre-conception counselling, early pregnancy, antenatal, intrapartum, postnatal and postnatal debrief appointments).

M1.22.1 - Input of Data Related to All Stages of Pregnancy (Health Care Professional)

M1.22.1 - Input of Data Related to All Stages of Pregnancy (Health Care Professional)

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want to be assured that the maternity system prompts me to enter all relevant information at every care episode

So that I can record all care given to the woman and ensure all mandatory data is entered

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to add clinical information to a woman's record on the system

When the Health Care Professional is adding clinical information to a woman's record on the system

Then Health Care Professional should be prompted to enter all data required at every care encounter

Additional Information

This is related to DCB3066 record standard.

The solution must capture the following data for all inpatients:

  • Log and display any antenatal or postnatal admission and discharges, together with the reason for admission and gestation. This must include capturing the named midwife and consultant.

ANTENATAL: including but not exclusively:

  • Referral information, booking details and subsequent antenatal visits, both in a hospital and community environment.

  • Ultrasound and blood results.

  • Details of antenatal complications.

  • Previous individual pregnancies and relevant antenatal history/complications (including the ability to automatically copy data which is known to be true regarding previous pregnancies and deliveries, into the existing pregnancy record).

  • Date, place and pregnancy outcome.

  • Labour/birth details, including gestation, mode of birth, complications.

  • Infant details, live/stillbirth, sex, weight, clinical condition or complications.

  • Termination of pregnancy details, including gestation, type, management.

  • First / second trimester pregnancy loss details, including gestation, type, any medical or surgical management

  • Previous postnatal history/complications.

  • Antenatal anaesthetic clinic visits and preferences/plans made.

  • Screening for diabetes and pre-eclampsia, mental health and safeguarding including the woman's status at appropriate times during the pregnancy as locally defined.

  • The outcome of screening assessments and risk assessments should automatically suggest or place the woman on an appropriate Trust definable pathway.

  • Screening – flags throughout i.e. MRSA, GBS, BBI. Including screening for fetal growth restriction.

  • Public health data collection during the course of the pregnancy - issuing of public health advice on smoking cessation and healthy eating (as per Saving babies lives v3) (including whether the woman was given advice, was offered referral and if this was accepted or declined). Whether a referral to the smoking cessation unit was completed and the results of a carbon monoxide test. The functionality must include electronic notification of any referral to appropriate services. This may include the partner or other household members. For smoking the full smoking cessation information and details of quit support and NRT information needs to be captured in line with the Tobacco SDCS submission requirements.

  • Conversations recorded on Breast feeding at set gestations, safe sleeping at set gestations, routine enquiry at each contact, fetal movements at set gestations, birth plans at set gestations, contraception after delivery

  • Vaccinations

  • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) assessment in line with local and national guidelines including alert triggers for women and female neonates, the output of a dataset and a referral if the woman is under 18 years of age.

  • the woman's preferences for care (personal care and support plans) and birth including place of birth, and a labour care plan to be recorded and updated. Risk assessments must be able to be conducted on the selected place of birth.

  • Sufficient data to allow for the closure of the pregnancy where antenatal care is provided by the Trust if the woman chooses or is recommended to birth in another hospital. A reason for notes closure should be recorded as a mandatory field.

  • Clinical noting of all examinations and referrals including those relevant to generic care (e.g. dietician) and those which are specific to maternity.

  • The solution will calculate estimated delivery date (EDD) from ultrasound information or last period and allow the use of this date as the formal Estimated Delivery Date.

  • family history, social history, medical history and surgical history must all be captured, this should include lived gender, BMI, ethnicity, complex risk factors, alcohol and lifestyle choices (e.g. drug use). There should be the option to update and reassess these factors as the pregnancy continues.

  • COVID-19 and MRSA assessments and risk assessments must be captured.

INTRAPARTUM: including but not exclusively:

  • Admission, maternity specific VTE, risk assessments, COVID-19 and MRSA assessment. This should include any previous results.

  • Interactive partogram with the ability to record observations, results of examinations etc. Observations recorded on the partogram must be available to other parts of the woman’s record (e.g. a maternity early warning score chart and fluid balance). This must be automatically populated with any observations and assessments undertaken while in labour.

  • Fetal monitoring – CTG and Intermittent auscultation; including person and grade assessing CTG / IA, the interpretation of the parameters (using National guidelines) and the classification and any subsequent plan and actions.

  • Fetal blood sampling in labour; including date, time, method, clinician performing procedure and results. This must support the NICE guidance for repeating sampling at defined intervals depending on results. This must include cord blood pH, pCO2, pO2, lactate and base excess on venous & arterial sampling.

  • Induction reason and method including OP Induction of Labour (IOL), type of onset of labour, augmentation reason and method, rupture of membranes including type, colour of liquor from outset of rupture of membranes, intrapartum and at birth, type of maternal monitoring in labour, monitoring of uterine contractions.

  • Mode of birth and indication for instrumental and / or caesarean birth and other interventions during birth.

  • Record the times of birth of the neonate and the placenta

  • Any complications in labour, birth or in the immediate postnatal period for example perineal trauma and blood loss. For blood loss the solution must be able to automatically accumulate blood loss recorded to capture primary and secondary blood loss and the method of the assessment.

  • Medication including analgesia, any maternal mediation must feed to the neonate's record to include magnesium sulphate and steroids.

  • Persons present during the birth including their name and status. This must include (but not be limited to) the following: responsible midwife; senior personnel; names and roles of all present including health professionals, name, role and title of the person delivering the neonate, students, family members, birth supporters, doulas.

  • The name of the supervising midwife where the birth is attended by a student.

  • One to one care in established labour. This must include the ability to record a Trust definable reason where this does not take place. The solution must provide the capability to report on this data. This must capture whether it is Named, Buddy or Team of Midwives.

  • Calculation of cervical scoring using the modified bishop’s score.

  • Start date and times of all stages of labour and automatically calculate the duration of each stage of labour. It must also record the onset of active pushing in the second stage. This functionality must provide the capability to set mandatory fields, but also support the scenario where information is not known.

  • Details of the third stage of labour including but not limited to the following information: method, state of placenta and membranes (and any abnormalities), number of vessels in the cord, oxytocin administered, estimated blood loss, any blood transfusion, record cord blood taken.

  • Record maternal blood taken, cord blood gases and Stem cell collection.

  • Indications for and outcomes of all invasive procedures including but not limited to: instrumental births, caesarean sections, manual removal of placenta, breech and vaginal breech birth, and Multiple births and perineal repair.

  • Caesarean sections must be categorised in accordance with National guidelines. The solution must include the ability to record the procedure and other information using a Trust defined proforma.

  • The condition of the perineum (with the ability to make multiple selections) including: all genital trauma including FGM, type and extent of trauma to be classified using RCOG guidelines, allow the user to document drawings of the tear.

  • For any repair undertaken to the perineum to include: date and time of procedure, record of consent or refusal, venue for repair, technique, analgesia used, material used, name and status of personnel involved, supervising personnel, record of pre- and post-swab, instrument and needle count, incorporating the entry of two passwords in support of two-person check, if they are under supervision, including the name and status of the supervisor, record type and extent of trauma.

  • The name and status of the clinician who makes a decision to offer caesarean or instrumental birth (include date and time of decision and must automatically calculate the decision to delivery interval).

  • The type of pain relief provided (epidural, combined spinal/epidural, Remifentanil Patient Controlled Analgesia PCA) using Trust defined proformas. This must include: observations to be recorded at Trust definable regular intervals, monitor and manage a Trust defined target from request for an epidural/PCA to its administration, support to multiple requests and administrations.

  • The presentation of the fetus (single/multiple) at birth and position of presentation.

  • Method and outcome of birth - to include date and time of birth for all neonates.

  • Actual place of birth including the unit, room number or theatre code to be recorded (using codes), including the reason for change if this is different from the intended place of delivery.

  • This must also allow users to record the place of birth where it is outside the Trust including "home" or BBA (born before arrival).

  • Record home births appropriately within the solution, i.e. without the need for an inpatient episode/time of decision taken to transfer in. For home births include the ability to populate full partogram and observations.

  • Maternal and neonatal items must be kept separate so that multiple births can be entered sequentially (data which is relevant to all births should be ‘pulled forward’).

  • Delayed cord clamping whether performed, reasons why not, length of time, allowing for lotus births where the cord is not cut at birth

  • Include the ability to capture or scribe obstetric and neonatal emergencies as they occur.

POSTNATAL: ~ The type of neonatal resuscitation given, including the name and role of all staff involved.

  • Capture postnatal observations, risk assessments, notes and plans at the bedside of both the woman and neonate (where necessary).

  • The dosage, date and time of any drugs and who administered them.

  • The ability to calculate the total of the Apgar score at Trust definable intervals for example 1, 5 and 10 minutes and elapsed time before onset of regular respirations.

  • The sex of the neonate(s) and gestational age calculated from the agreed EDD or an estimate when the woman is unbooked. This must include the ability to record indeterminate sex.

  • Initial Midwife examination following birth

  • Measurements including the birth weight, head circumference and temperature of neonate/babies to be recorded. This might be recorded immediately at birth or at a later stage.

  • First full examination of the new-born including head, face, eyes, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, oxygenation saturation and central nervous solution (CNS).

  • This functionality must also be available in the case of a home birth and provide alerts to ensure this is carried out within 72 hours.

  • Further involvement by anaesthetists for women with complications such as bleeding, eclampsia and also in the transfer of the most seriously ill women to enhanced maternity care, high dependency and / or intensive care.

  • This must provide the capability to prompt the user to complete the relevant Trust defined proformas, for example massive obstetric haemorrhage in line with the woman's journey.

  • Women requiring high dependency care within the labour suite.

  • Any neonatal complications including congenital abnormalities and dysmorphic features

  • The actual method of feeding at intervals - at birth, within 24 hrs/48 hrs, on discharge from hospital, and on discharge from care by the community midwife.

  • Whether skin to skin was initiated at birth and duration

  • Whether vitamin K was given including dose, route, batch number, date and time, clinicians involved, or whether it was declined.

  • If vitamin K is given orally, the solution must provide prompts for repeated doses at Trust defined time periods.

  • The latest weight of neonate/babies at discharge from hospital.

  • Where a woman experiences a traumatic birth, the solution must prompt for and record details of the duty of candour/debriefing.

  • Any other specialist care provided e.g. ITU/cardiology.

  • Capture date of discharge from Maternity Services to Health Visitor/GP/Trust.

  • Capture COVID-19 and MRSA assessments.

Standards Compliance

STD031 Digital Maternity Record Standard
STD001 Accessible Information
STD018 Child Protection Information Service (CPIS)
STD036 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM-IS)
STD156 Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag
STD029 Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD130 Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)

M1.22.2 - Input of Data Related to All Stages of Pregnancy (Hospital Administrator or Manager)

M1.22.2 - Input of Data Related to All Stages of Pregnancy (Hospital Administrator or Manager)

DCF Core Capability

As a Hospital Administrator, Analyst or Manager

I want to be assured that the maternity system enables Health Care Professionals to record all care given and enter all mandatory data

So that I can ensure the Trust can meet its statutory data reporting requirements

Acceptance Criteria

Given that the system has supported the Health Care Professional to enter all mandatory maternity and neonatal services data

When the Hospital Administrator, Analyst or Manager is required to submit mandatory maternity and neonatal services data, for example Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS)

Then the Hospital Administrator, Analyst or Manager can meet the Trust's statutory data reporting requirements

Standards Compliance

STD018 Commissioning Data Sets (CDS)
STD052 Maternity Services Data Set
STD039 Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data
STD088 Treatment Function and Main Specialty Standard
STD049 International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Related Problems (ICD-10) 5th Edition
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD151 eMED3 (fit notes) in Secondary Care
STD066 Overseas Visitor Charging Category
STD065 OPCS Classification of Interventions and Procedures
STD002 Aggregate Contract Monitoring

Capability M1.23

The solution must support the capturing of data in both community and consultant face to face clinic settings.

M1.23.1 - Data Capture for Both Community and Consultant Face to Face Settings

M1.23.1 - Data Capture for Both Community and Consultant Face to Face Settings

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want the system to be able capture clinical information used in both community and hospital face to face clinic settings

So that I can ensure I maintain good quality clinical records and do not miss any recommended actions based on the Trust's or national guidance

Acceptance Criteria 1

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to add clinical information to a woman's record on the system

When the Health Care Professional needs to input data related to face to face interactions in the hospital or community

Then the system will prompt the Health Care Professional to perform tasks and risk assessments in line with local and national guidelines

And remind the Health Care Professional when the above-mentioned tasks and risk assessments have not been completed

Acceptance Criteria 2

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to add clinical information to a woman's record on the system

When the Health Care Professional needs to input data related to face to face interactions in the hospital or community

Then Health Care Professional will be able to input data related to the following:

  • The full antenatal examination and assessment using standard datasets (to be completed using locally set mandatory fields)

  • Risk assessments recorded as needed in line with local and national guidance

  • Tasks that need to be done at the gestation in the clinic in line with local and national guidance
    And the Health Care Professional will be able to indicate on the system when the above-mentioned tasks have been completed

Standards Compliance

STD001 Accessible Information
STD018 Child Protection Information Service (CPIS)
STD036 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM-IS)
STD156 Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag
STD029 Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD130 Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)

Capability M1.24

The solution must record details of any adverse outcomes to a pregnancy.

M1.24.1 - Adverse Outcomes of Pregnancy

M1.24.1 - Adverse Outcomes of Pregnancy

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want to be able to record on the system all data regarding the adverse outcomes of a pregnancy

So that there is an accurate record of the outcome of the pregnancy to inform the woman's future care and I can ensure that the Trust meets national reporting requirements

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to add clinical information to a woman's record on the system

When a Health Care Professional needs to add an adverse outcome to a pregnancy record on the system

Then the Health Care Professional will be able to add the following information listed below for a pregnancy which results in a stillbirth, termination of pregnancy, miscarriage or intrauterine death:

  • Date and time

  • Gestational age; including if applicable gestation at birth and gestation at death

  • Type of event (e.g. miscarriage)

  • Treatment

  • Any related management of the event

  • Complications

  • All associated clinical details, including ongoing care, investigations and follow up

  • Maternal death

  • Neonatal death

And combinations of the above-mentioned adverse outcomes can be added to the pregnancy record on the system, when more than one occurs during a single pregnancy

Standards Compliance

STD049 International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Related Problems (ICD-10) 5th Edition
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD065 OPCS Classification of Interventions and Procedures
STD157 Formatting dates and times in data

Capability M1.25

The solution must automate the calculation of recorded data and allow calculated values to be adjusted when clinically necessary, e.g. time intervals, EDD, age, gestation at appointment.

M1.25.1 - Calculation of Recorded Data

M1.25.1 - Calculation of Recorded Data

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want the system to automatically calculate time intervals, gestation at appointment, age and Expected Date of Delivery (EDD)
and allow these to be manually adjusted (where appropriate)

So that I have accurate values in the maternity record but can adjust these in cases of errors or where new clinical information occurs.

Acceptance Criteria

Given that the relevant data has been added to a woman's record on the system

When the Health Care Professional opens a woman's record

Then the system will calculate the following values:

  • Time intervals

  • Gestation at appointment

  • Maternal age

  • Neonatal age

  • Expected date of delivery (EDD)

And allow these aforementioned values to be manually adjusted if appropriate

Standards Compliance

STD157 Formatting dates and times in data

Capability M1.26

The solution must allow an Health Care Professional to record a “short booking” for a woman who presents in labour or other services but whose antenatal pregnancy notes are not available.

M1.26.1 - Recording "Short Booking"

M1.26.1 - Recording "Short Booking"

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want to be able to enter a "short booking" for a woman who presents in labour without an antenatal maternity record

So that I don't have to complete a full booking workflow but can still record the key information for clinical care, statutory reporting requirements
And so that any necessary screening tests can be offered

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a woman requires maternity services in the Trust

When the woman does not have any antenatal record on the system

Then the Health Care Professional should be able to complete a "short booking" workflow for the woman by entering key information needed for clinical care, statutory reporting requirements, and necessary screening tests

Standards Compliance

STD001 Accessible Information
STD018 Child Protection Information Service (CPIS)
STD036 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM-IS)
STD156 Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag
STD029 Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD130 Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
STD049 International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Related Problems (ICD-10) 5th Edition
STD065 OPCS Classification of Interventions and Procedures
STD052 Maternity Services Data Set
STD039 Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data
STD088 Treatment Function and Main Specialty Standard

Capability M1.27

The solution must include the ability to record theatre procedures and other relevant information.

Caesarean births must be classified in accordance with nationally recognised classifications.

The system should be able to record written consent as per Consent Form 1.

M1.27.1 - Recording Theatre Procedures

M1.27.1 - Recording Theatre Procedures

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want to be able to record on the system, theatre procedures and related information

So that other Health Care Professionals can be made aware of any risk alerts associated with the woman and or the neonate and also provide personalised care and advice in any future pregnancies

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to edit a woman’s record on the system

When the woman undergoes a theatre procedure

Then there will be a provision to add to the woman's record on the system, the theatre procedure and other associated information i.e. meeting the Maternity Record Standard (DCB 3066) and the requirements of Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS)

And if the theatre procedure is a caesarean birth, it must be classified in accordance with nationally recognised classifications

And the Health Care Professional will be able to record on the system written consent for the woman as per Consent Form 1

Standards Compliance

STD031 Digital Maternity Record Standard
STD052 Maternity Services Data Set
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD049 International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Related Problems (ICD-10) 5th Edition
STD065 OPCS Classification of Interventions and Procedures

Capability M1.28

The solution should offer pre-booking access via the woman facing tool to enable the woman to enter health pregnancy history to allow the midwife to focus on the woman at the booking appointment.

M1.28.1 - Pre-booking Access

M1.28.1 - Pre-booking Access

DCF Transformation Capability

As a woman accessing maternity care

I want to be able to submit information in advance of my booking appointment with a Health Care Professional including my past medical, surgical and obstetric histories

So that the health care professional can be well prepared in advance of my face to face booking appointment and provide safe, timely, efficient, and personalised care

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a woman has completed the online pre-booking access form

When the woman submits the online pre-booking access form

Then the details of the online pre-booking access form will populate the booking form on the woman's record on the system

And the Health Care Professional will be able to see on the system all the health pregnancy details prior to the appointment

And the Health Care Professional will be able to review and verify the details populated from the online pre-booking form

Capability M1.29

The solution should allow completion of an antenatal anaesthetic review, enabling recording and display of alerts and follow-up. There should be the ability to record anaesthetic consent, procedure details, monitoring, and follow-up for:

  • Procedures during pregnancy e.g. cervical cerclage

  • Non-theatre procedures, e.g. epidural or spinal on delivery suite.

  • Theatre procedures, e.g. spinal/CSE for Caesarean birth or birth with forceps.

It must also capture the administration of anaesthetic in clinic settings.

Each anaesthetic must be recorded separately (and automatically link to the maternity specific Early Warning Score).

The solution should also allow the easy retrieval of anaesthetic information relating to antenatal consultations and procedures by anaesthetists.

The interface used by anaesthetists should be common to all services they use. Where possible a single data entry should share data out to relevant systems.

The solution must enable easy identification and subsequent recording of all reviews of women who have received an anaesthetic intervention.

M1.29.1 - Maternity Anaesthetic

M1.29.1 - Maternity Anaesthetic

DCF Transformation Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want to be able to record the following on the system:

  • antenatal anaesthetic review

  • consent for anaesthesia

  • anaesthetic procedure details

  • theatre monitoring

  • follow up

So that I can ensure detailed clinical notes are added to the woman's maternity record

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a woman has had anaesthetic input during a consultation or a procedure

When the Health Care Professional opens the woman's record on the system

Then the Health Care Professional will be able to record the following on the system

  • antenatal anaesthetic review

  • consent for anaesthesia

  • anaesthetic procedure details

  • theatre monitoring

  • follow up

And the Health Care Professional will be able to retrieve the anaesthetic information relating to antenatal consultations and procedures by anaesthetists from the system

And the system must enable easy identification and subsequent recording of all reviews of all women who have received an anaesthetic intervention

Standards Compliance

STD029 Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD130 Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
STD049 International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Related Problems (ICD-10) 5th Edition
STD065 OPCS Classification of Interventions and Procedures
STD143 National Obstetric Anaesthetic Database (NOAD)

Capability M1.30

The solution should allow the recording of the Newborn Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) using a Trust definable pro-forma irrespective of where the assessment is undertaken. This should not require duplicate data entry.

M1.30.1 - Newborn Infant Physical Examination (NIPE)

M1.30.1 - Newborn Infant Physical Examination (NIPE)

DCF Transformation Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want to be able to add a record of Newborn Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) to the system

So that I can record the NIPE information once and I can have a single source of truth across all settings

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to edit a woman’s record on the system

When a Newborn Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) has been performed

Then there will be a provision to add the NIPE result to the neonate's record using a Trust definable pro-forma irrespective of where the assessment is undertaken

And the Health Care Professional will be able to review the NIPE result at a later time when needed

And this clinical information (i.e. the NIPE result) can be shared on the system across all clinical settings

Standards Compliance

STD139 Newborn and infant physical examination (NIPE) screening programme handbook
STD041 Healthy Child Record Standard