Information Sharing for Direct Care

Information Sharing for Direct Care


v1.0 - March 2024



Important Information

Within this requirements catalogue we use the terms woman, women, and pregnant women. However, we recognise that some transgender men, non-binary people and people with variations in sex characteristics (VSC) or who are intersex may also access maternity services. Maternity services and delivery of care must therefore be appropriate, inclusive, and sensitive to the needs of everyone who accesses maternity services, including those who are trans, non-binary or intersex. 


Capability M2.01

The solution must capture the following data for all women:

  • Capture antenatal and postnatal discharges, transfers and in-utero transfers

  • It must have the ability to capture induction process (both outpatient and inpatient induction) and any reasons for when care has been delayed.

  • It must electronically notify GPs of antenatal and postnatal discharges.

  • It must have the ability to send the booking notification and discharge electronically to other Health Care Professionals including the community midwife, GP and health visitor.

  • This must appropriately support the scenario where a neonate is being fostered or adopted and include the ability to send appropriate information to other maternity units.

  • When a neonate is separated (e.g. for adoption or fostering) the neonates details must not show on the woman's record - the link must be obscured to ensure that a non-custodial person cannot acquire data they are not entitled to.

M2.01.1 - Data Capture for All Women (Health Care Professional)

M2.01.1 - Data Capture for All Women (Health Care Professional)

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want the system to prompt me to enter all the necessary data I need to capture for antenatal and postnatal discharges, transfers (including in-utero transfers) and induction of labour

So that I can ensure that I have a complete record of care

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to add clinical information to a woman's record on the system

When the Health Care Professional needs to record all the necessary data needed for antenatal and postnatal discharges, transfers (including in-utero transfers) and induction of labour

Then the Health Care Professional will be prompted by the system to record all the above-mentioned data

Standards Compliance

STD029 Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD130 Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
STD039 Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data
STD085 Core information standard
STD116 Personalised Care and Support Plan

M2.01.2 - Data Capture for All Women (Health Care Professional working outside of index Trust)

M2.01.2 - Data Capture for All Women (Health Care Professional working outside of index Trust)

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want to receive the booking notification and all discharge summaries electronically when I am providing health care outside of the Trust (including GP, and Health Visitor)

So that I have up to date (real time) information about the woman so that I can provide safe and personalised care.

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a Health Care Professional needs to receive booking notification and all discharge summaries electronically

When the Health Care Professional is providing health care to a woman outside of their Trust (including GP, and Health Visitor)

Then the Health Care Professional will have access to up to date information about the maternity care the woman has received

And this will be in real time when information is recorded online or transferred immediately as soon as synchronisation occurs when information is recorded offline

Standards Compliance

STD029 Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD130 Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
STD039 Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data
STD085 Core information standard
STD116 Personalised Care and Support Plan
STD102 Medicine and Allergy/Intolerance Data Transfer
STD127 eDischarge summary
STD132 Transfer of Care Inpatient Discharge - FHIR
STD136 NHS Booking and Referral Standard

M2.01.3 - Data Capture for All Women (Caldicott Guardian)

M2.01.3 - Data Capture for All Women (Caldicott Guardian)

DCF Core Capability

As a Caldicott Guardian

I want to ensure that the neonate's details and health record are not visible to the birth parents when a neonate has been fostered or adopted

So that I can follow data protection laws and safeguarding guidance and prevent a non-custodial parent from acquiring data that they are not entitled to

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a neonate has been separated from its parent either through fostering or adoption

When a non-custodial parent attempts to access or acquire the neonate's details and or health records

Then the neonate's details and or health records will not show on the parent's record on the system

And the non-custodial parent will not have access to or be able to acquire the neonate's details and or health records

And the system will have ability to send appropriate health care information regarding the neonate to other maternity units

Standards Compliance

STD009 Birth notifications
STD018 Child Protection Information Service (CPIS)

Capability M2.02

The solution must support the transfer of a woman to theatre and provide the facility to record indications for and outcomes of all operative procedures. Anaesthetic procedures and monitoring must also be recorded. (See also Capability M1.29 Anaesthesia)

M2.02.1 - Transfer of Pregnant Person to Theatre

M2.02.1 - Transfer of Pregnant Person to Theatre

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want to be able to capture on the system information relating to a woman's transfer to theatre

So that the maternity record is a complete record of all care that the woman has received.

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to add clinical information to a woman's record on the system

When a woman is being transferred to theatre

Then the Health Care Professional will be able to record on the system all information related to the woman's transfer to theatre including the following:

  • indications for all operative procedures

  • outcomes for all operative procedures

  • anaesthetic procedures

  • anaesthetic monitoring

Standards Compliance

STD029 Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD130 Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
STD065 OPCS Classification of Interventions and Procedures

Capability M2.03

The solution must provide facilities to record the transfer of a women and neonate(s) to other units or wards within The Trust (e.g. intensive care, critical care and coronary care) and the reason for transfer. It must also be able to export information with details of the Transfer of Care for another organisation if required.

M2.03.1 - Transfer of Woman and or Neonate to Other Units or Wards

M2.03.1 - Transfer of Woman and or Neonate to Other Units or Wards

DCF Core Capability

As a Health Care Professional

I want to be able to capture on the system all data relating to the transfer of a woman and/or their neonate to non-maternity units or wards within the Trust (such as intensive care, critical care, and coronary care)

So that I can ensure the woman receives seamless care

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to add clinical information to a woman's and neonates records on the system

When the woman and/or their neonate are transferred to non-maternity units or wards within the Trust

Then the Health Care Professional will be able to record on the system the reason for the transfer

And the Health Care Professional will be able to share this information with external healthcare organisations if required from the system

Standards Compliance

STD029 Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD130 Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
STD039 Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data
STD085 Core information standard
STD116 Personalised Care and Support Plan
STD102 Medicine and Allergy/Intolerance Data Transfer

Capability M2.04

The solution should link to early pregnancy assessments undertaken for the current pregnancy in Gynaecology services. There should be a manual verification that the assessment is relevant (e.g. not for a previous pregnancy)

M2.04.1 - Early Pregnancy Assessments

M2.04.1 - Early Pregnancy Assessments

DCF Transformation Capability

As a Health Care Professional in maternity

I want to be able to view early pregnancy assessments for the current pregnancy that were performed by Gynaecology services

So that I can have full information about all care delivered during the pregnancy

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a Health Care Professional is permitted to view a woman's record on the system

When a woman has had early assessments undertaken for their current pregnancy by Gynaecology services

Then the Health Care Professional will be able to view all the details of the early pregnancy assessments for the current pregnancy on the system

And the Health Care Professional will be able to check that the information is relevant (i.e. not for a previous pregnancy) where two or more systems are integrated

Capability M2.05

The solution should be able to easily identify a transfer of care and the reason for change, and automatically capture the financial pathway within reporting capabilities.

This should include flagging if a woman has double booked services at two or more providers for the same phase of pregnancy where that data is accessible to the solution.

If it appears that a duplicate booking is happening the solution should prompt questions about if this is a transfer of care or if a previous pregnancy has miscarried and thus that episode of care needs ending and a new episode or pregnancy starting.

M2.05.1 - Transfer of Care Identification

M2.05.1 - Transfer of Care Identification

DCF Transformation Capability

As a Hospital Administrator or Manager

I want the system to identify the transfer of care of a woman from another maternity provider

So that

  • the hospital can capture the appropriate financial pathway

  • women don't receive duplicate care from a second provider

  • the data provided in the system is matched to the appropriate pregnancy

Acceptance Criteria

Given that there is a need to identify the transfer of care of a woman from another Trust

When a woman books at the Trust

Then the system would flag if the woman has double booked services at more than one provider for the same pregnancy

And the system will prompt the Health Care Professional if it detects a duplicate booking is happening in order to check if this is a transfer of care or if a previous pregnancy has miscarried and thus that episode of care needs ending and a new episode or pregnancy starting

And the Health Care Professional will be able to record the reason for the change on the system

And the data provided in the system will be matched to the appropriate pregnancy

And the Health Care Professional will be able to record on the system the transfers of into the service and out to another service

And the system will automatically capture the appropriate financial pathway

Standards Compliance

STD039 Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data
STD136 NHS Booking and Referral Standard