Care Administration (CA)

Care Administration (CA)


CA-01 to CA-02


Core Requirement




Functionality to assist the administration of care including workforce and physical assets (such as materials) management and planning.

User Stories

EPR MDF Transformation & Innovation Capability

CA-01.1- Staff workforce management

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want, to view staff capacity and workforce flexibility and, staff e-rostering using acuity based scores, worklist management and notifications,

So that, I can manage staff deployment and utilisation efficiently.

Acceptance criteria 1

Given I am managing staff and resources,

When staffing and managing a ward or facility,

Then I can view view staff capacity and workforce flexibility and, staff e-rostering using acuity based scores, worklist management and notifications.

Acceptance Criteria 2

Given the need to manage staff data

When processing workforce data

Then the system should comply with the National Workforce Data Set

Acceptance Criteria 3

Given the need to consider staff flexibility

When managing staff deployment

Then doctors main speciality as defined by DCB0028 must be considered

Application Function


AF354 Workforce management

Ability to view and configure staff rosters and worklists based on capacity and acuity scores

Standards Compliance



EPR MDF Transformation & Innovation Capability

CA-02.1 - Assets by Ward

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want the ability to view assets and resources by ward

and, configure who can see what,

So that, I understand where all resources are deployed.

Acceptance criteria 1:

Given the need to view assets and configure which users have access

When managing and allocating resources

Then the assets and resources are viewed by ward and user management is possible

Application Function


AF347 Track clinical assets

The ability of the system to track key clinical assets and resources. This must include assets assigned directly to patients.

AF163 Ward, Unit or Department View Configuration

This is the ability to configure views for a ward, unit or department.

AF164 View Ward, Unit or Department Data

This is the ability of an application to generate a patient view by a specific ward, unit or department.

AF165 Update Ward, Unit or Department Views

The ability to manually add information to a ward, unit or department view and store this information within the system.

AF273 View/update Ward Dashboard

The ability of an application to present data relevant to the administration of the selected Ward.


Applicable Standards

Applicable Standards

The full list of standards applicable to the secondary care setting are contained at the link below

The following standards apply more specifically to the requirements on this page