Definition of Terms
EPR - Electronic Patient Records
MDF - Minimum Digital Foundation, this is the minimum functionality required to for an EPR defined by NHS frontline digitisation programme. This covers the digital technology to allow the eight core digital capabilities
Core Requirements Diagram - A diagrammatic representation of the core requirements
Core Requirements Map - A map of the core requirements, level 0 and 1 core requirements and user stories
MDF Capability - these are the eight core digital capabilities; records management, transfer of care, diagnostics, management, medicines management, decisions support, remote and assistive care, asset and resource management and business and clinical intelligence.
Core Requirement - These core requirements describe a specific scenario that the business service requires to operate effectively. Each core requirement relates back to a capability
User Story - This is a story written from the user’s perspective, this states the functionality required and not the method of delivery, The format is, As a, I want, So that.
Acceptance Criteria - Each User Story has either one or more acceptance criteria. These are written in the format, Given, When, Then. These criteria are binary, comply or not comply.
User Persona - a detailed description and a profile of a typical user that is likely to interact with the product.
Metamodel - The metamodel is a diagrammatic representation of the frames, rules, constraints and models used for this project
Application Function - is a desired piece of functionality or action that is required from the software