Consent Management (CM)

Consent Management (CM)




Core Requirement




Manage appropriate consent and authentication for patient data including consent to access the patient’s record in emergency situations.

User Stories

EPR MDF Core Capability

CM-01.1 - Consent & Authentications

As a Healthcare or Clinical Professional,

I want to obtain the appropriate consent, authentication and management of data in all situations

So that, I can lawfully attend the patient and use the patients data

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given the need to obtain consent, authentication and manage patient data in all situations

Then attending, monitoring and use of the patient data is lawfully carried out

Application Function


AF343 Obtain consent to access patient data

The system obtains and records consent from the patient to access their data and to enable legal monitoring and use of that data.

AF344 Authenticate Patient

The system Authenticates a patient in order to allow access to the patient record

EPR MDF Transformation & Innovation Capability

CM-01.2 - Emergency Consent

As a Clinical Professional,

I want the patient to be assumed to have given implied consent for emergency and urgent care

So that, I can apply care without impairing ethical values

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given the need to administer treatment

When emergency or urgent treatment is required

Then consent is implied

Application Function


AF363 Emergency Consent

When emergency care is required and it is not possible to confirm consent in the normal way the system should record that consent was assumed in order to proceed with the necessary emergency care

Applicable Standards

Applicable Standards

The full list of standards applicable to the secondary care setting are contained at the link below




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