Care Homes
ID | C21 |
Version | 1.0.1 |
Type | Capability |
Status | Effective |
Effective Date | Dec 31, 2019 |
Contracting Vehicle(s) |
The Care Home Capability supports the provision of health and care services to Residents who are residing in a Care Home.
The Capability supports the creation and maintenance of a Resident's record, ensuring an accurate, complete and up-to-date view of the Resident's health, care, personal and legal information. Providing the correct permissions are in place, the record can be made available to Care Home clinicians and other staff, external clinicians and any Proxies identified by the Resident.
The Capability has the potential to support a much wider range of operational and care-related processes including:
Maintenance of staff records
Scheduling and tracking of care-related tasks and activities (e.g. medication administration, exercise classes, pressure area assessments)
Recording of incidents and adverse events
The Capability may also contribute to improvements in performance through provision of data for analysis.
Residents or their Proxies |
Care Home Clinical Staff |
External Health or Care Professional |
Care Home Administrators |
C21E1 - maintain Resident's Care Home Record
As a Health or Care Professional with a legitimate relationship to a Care Home Resident
I want to maintain a comprehensive record of the Resident and their care
So that I can ensure that a comprehensive record of their care is maintained and is accessible
Acceptance criterion 1: create Resident's record
Given the user has the correct permissions to create a Resident record
When a record for a Resident is required
Then the record for the Resident can be created
And details about the Resident can be recorded
Acceptance criterion 2: view Resident's record
Given a user (e.g. Health or Care Professional, Care Home Staff Member) has permissions to view the Resident's record
When they choose to view the Resident's record
Then they can view the Resident's record
Acceptance criterion 3: amend Resident's record
Given the user has the correct permissions to amend a Resident record
When an update to a Resident's record is required
Then the record for the Resident can be updated
Acceptance criterion 4: close Resident's record
Given the user has the correct permissions to close a Resident record
When a Resident's record is no longer required
Then the record for the Resident can be closed or made inactive
C21E2 - maintain Resident Proxy preferences
As a Care Home Manager
I want to maintain records of a Resident's consent preferences regarding a Proxy (e.g. spouse, relative, friend)
So that I can ensure a Resident's consent preferences are correct
Acceptance criterion 1: maintain Resident's preferences regarding Proxies
Given a Resident has nominated a Proxy
And has identified their preferences with respect to the Proxy (e.g. Proxy can view the Resident's record, Proxy can take decisions on behalf of the Resident)
When the user of the Care Home Solution accesses the Resident's record
Then they are able to view any existing preferences
And amend the record to reflect the details of the proxy
And record the Resident's preferences with regard to the Proxy and decision-making circumstances
Acceptance criterion 2: Proxy accesses Resident's record
Given a Resident has nominated a Proxy to have access to view their record
When the Resident's preferences regarding the Proxy are recorded
Then the Proxy can view the Resident's record
Acceptance criterion 3: treatment assent given by Proxy
Given a Resident's Care Plan requires agreement for a treatment to go ahead
And the Resident's record indicates a Proxy is in place for such decisions
When the Proxy provides assent to the treatment
Then details of the decision being made by the Proxy (rather than the Resident themselves) can be recorded
C21E3 - view and maintain End of Life Care Plans
As a Care Home Manager
I want to ensure that everyone involved in a Resident's care can view and maintain an End of Life Care Plan
So that a Resident's wishes regarding End of Life Care are recorded and can be respected should the plan be enacted
Acceptance criterion 1: create an End of Life Care Plan for a Resident
Given the user has the correct permissions to create an End of Life Care Plan for a Resident
When an End of Life Care Plan is required for a Resident
Then an End of Life Care Plan for the Resident can be created
And the Resident's wishes and preferences can be recorded
And the Resident's record indicates that the plan exists
And the End of Life Care Plan's existence can be communicated to other interested parties (e.g. G.P.)
Acceptance criterion 2: view End of Life Care Plan for a Resident
Given a user (e.g. Health or Care Professional, Care Home Staff Member) has permissions to view the End of Life Care Plan
When they choose to view the End of Life Care Plan
Then they can view the Resident's End of Life Care Plan
Acceptance criterion 3: amend an End of Life Care Plan for a Resident
Given the user has the correct permissions to amend an End of Life Care Plan for a Resident
When a change is required to an End of Life Care Plan for a Resident
Then the End of Life Care Plan for the Resident can be amended
Acceptance criterion 4: close an End of Life Care Plan for a Resident
Given the user has the correct permissions to close an End of Life Care Plan for a Resident
When the End of Life Care Plan for a Resident is no longer required
Then the End of Life Care Plan for the Resident can be closed or made inactive
Acceptance criterion 5: record the existence of an externally held but accessible End of Life Care Plan for a Resident
Given a Record exists for a Resident
When the existence an End of Life Care Plan, held by another organisation, is identified for the Resident
Then information about the existing End of Life Care Plan can be recorded (e.g. where it is held, how it can be accessed)
C21E4 - record incident and adverse events
As a Health or Care Professional providing a service to the Resident
I want to record details of any Resident-related incidents or adverse events and inform others involved in their care about them
So that I can ensure that others involved in their care can contribute to any immediate care decisions and any mitigating actions to prevent further occurrence of such events
Acceptance criterion 1: generate an incident or adverse event report
Given there is provision to record information about incident or adverse events
When an incident or adverse event occurs involving a Resident
Then a record of the incident or adverse event can be created
And the record can be maintained
Acceptance criterion 2: receive an automatic incident or adverse event report notification
Given an incident or adverse event has arisen concerning a Resident
And the Solution has been configured to identify who receives notifications about incidents and adverse events
When the details of an incident or adverse event are recorded
Then notifications are sent to the relevant recipients
C21E5 - maintain Staff Records
As a Care Home Manager
I want to be able to maintain accurate records for Staff Members
So that I can use the information to generate schedules and assign appropriate staff to undertake activities related to Resident care
Acceptance criterion 1: maintain staff record
Given a record is required for Staff Members
And the user has the correct permissions to maintain the record
When the staff records option is selected
Then the record for a Staff Member can be maintained (created or updated)
And information about the Staff Member can be recorded
C21E6 - maintain Staff Task schedules
As a Care Home Manager
I want to be able to create and maintain schedules
So that tasks relating to Resident care are delivered efficiently (i.e. right time) and effectively (i.e. right person and skills)
Acceptance criterion 1: create Staff schedules
Given care-related tasks are required (e.g. medication administration, dressing changes, bed changes, etc) for Residents at defined frequencies
And information relating to the required tasks in known (e.g. frequency, type of staff required)
And information relating to Staff Members is available (e.g. availability, skills and qualifications)
When a staff schedule is required
Then a schedule can be generated that allocates appropriate staff to each task
And reports on any unassigned tasks or conflicts
And the schedule can be saved
Acceptance criterion 2: manually amend Staff schedules
Given a schedule of tasks has been created
When changes are required (e.g. add ad hoc tasks, remove tasks, resolve conflicts)
Then the schedule can be manually amended
And the Solution notifies the user of any conflicts
And the changes to the schedule can be saved
C21E7 - manage Tasks
As a Care Home Manager
I want to monitor the status of tasks assigned to members of staff
So that I can identify and respond to any issues with delivery of care tasks
Acceptance criterion 1: monitor Task progress
Given a schedule of routine tasks has been created
And there is a means for staff to identify when tasks are started and completed
And there is a means to track task progress
When the report or dashboard of progress is selected
Then information relating to the progress of tasks (e.g. start time, status) can be viewed
Acceptance criterion 2: generate Task reminder
Given a Staff Member has been assigned a task to commence at a scheduled time
When a task is due
Then a reminder is generated
And the reminder is sent to the assigned Staff Member
And a further reminder can be sent if the task becomes overdue
C21E8 - reporting
As a Care Home Manager
I want to generate reports relating to the care provided to Residents
So that I can better plan and manage the delivery of care
Acceptance criterion 1: reports based on a range of selection criteria
Given that information relating to care of Residents is available (e.g. Resident records, information about care tasks or incidents or adverse events)
And this information is available to the reporting Solution
And selection rules have been defined to identify records meeting certain criteria (e.g. Residents taking a specific medication, tasks that took longer than expected)
When the report is run
Then only those records with matching values are output
And the output can be analysed to identify trends or performance
Suppliers will have to attain compliance with these Standards during the compliance stage before they can be live on a Contracting Vehicle with this Capability:
Suppliers will have to attain compliance with these Standards during the compliance stage before they can be live on a Contracting Vehicle with this Capability:
Suppliers will not be assessed or assured on these Roadmap Items as part of Onboarding