Onboarding Process Guidance


Living Documents

Please note that this guidance is a set of living documents and will be regularly updated.

Some processes have yet to be fully defined - these will be added as they are completed.

The processes are under continual review and will be amended as required.

These Onboarding Process guidance pages provide Suppliers with information on how to complete the Onboarding Process for the DCS Buying Catalogue, specifically for Solutions which have applied to the Tech Innovation Framework.

The Onboarding Process for Tech Innovation Framework Solutions has many similarities with previous frameworks, but there are some notable differences. In all circumstances, Suppliers should liaise with their Supplier Manager to ensure that they understand the process and can ask any questions.


Registration Stage

The Registration Stage involves providing us (NHS England) with the information required to progress your Solution through the Onboarding Process. You will be able to provide details of your products (Core Solution, Additional Services, Associated Services) and select the Capabilities and Epics you intend to demonstrate during the Assessment Stage.

Assessment Stage

The Assessment Stage involves the largest proportion of work and will take the longest to complete. It involves the three essential Assessment activities: Capability Assessment, Capability Risk Logs, Standards Assurance.

The Capabilities and Epics you selected previously will determine how many assessments you are required to complete, and some may be best worked on and demonstrated at the same time. However there is no set order for completing the assessments. We will help you to decide the best order to complete the assessments. All assessments must be completed before progressing to the Publication Stage.

The Primary Care Test Lab is an optional resource you may use to demonstrate your Solution to Clinicians and receive valuable feedback on your Solution. It is not required for completing the Onboarding Process but is highly recommended. Please speak to your Supplier Manager for further details.

Publication Stage

The Publication Stage involves collecting the results of your assessments, and the details of your products, and preparing your Solution’s listing page on the Buying Catalogue. Once agreed by all parties, your Solution listing will be published to the Buying Catalogue.

If your progress completing Standards Assurance has been delayed or blocked, it MAY be possible to agree a Work Off Plan which will allow your Solution to be published on the Buying Catalogue while you continue to work towards full compliance. Your Supplier Manager will work with you on this. Details of your Work Off Plan will be included on your Solution’s listing page.

Activity-by-Activity Guidance

The following pages give details on the individual activities involved in onboarding your Solution onto the Buying Catalogue. They contain:

  1. A comprehensive guide on what is involved in each activity

  2. Why it is required

  3. The actions that are required of you

  4. What you can expect from us

  5. Important contact details

  6. Links to additional information

If you have questions or need assistance please contact your Supplier Manager