Appointment Management - Non-GP

Appointment Management - Non-GP




v1.0 - March 2024


Innovation Capability



Capability description

Can support the booking and referral into other care settings (both in hours and out of hours) via Ambulance Service (if not conveyed)'


Care Coordination and Referral Services

The system must support coordinating the care of patients across other healthcare services. Allowing assessing patient needs, coordinating appointments and referrals, and ensuring patients receive appropriate and timely care.

AM.10.01 Create Appropriate Healthcare Pathway Appointment

AM.10.01 Create Appropriate Healthcare Pathway Appointment

DCF Innovation Capability

As a 999 call handler / clinician in the control room,

I want the system to enable me book an appointment for a low acuity patient,

So that they can be directed to the appropriate healthcare pathway.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given a 999 call handler / clinician in the control room is permitted to book appointments for low-acuity patients,

When the patient triage system determines their suitability for services,

Then the system should book the patient to the most appropriate healthcare pathway service based on their needs and location.

Standards Compliance

STD146 NHS 111 API standard
STD165 Urgent & Emergency Care Interoperability & Technical Standards
STD062 NHS Number
STD064 NHS Number for Secondary Care
STD039 Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data
STD136 NHS Booking and Referral Standard
STD164 GP Connect Appointment Management - FHIR API
STD169 Personal Demographics Service
STD170 Personal Demographics Service - SMSP API standards

AM.10.02 Triage Assessment

AM.10.02 Triage Assessment

DCF Innovation Capability

As a 999 call handler / clinician in the control room,

I want the system to accurately assess the severity of low acuity patients' conditions, e.g. access to local healthcare records /care plans/allergies,

So that I can determine the most appropriate service for their needs.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given a 999 call handler / clinician in the control room utilises a standardised assessment tool or protocol for triaging low-acuity patients,

When the severity of the patients condition is assessed using symptoms, vital signs, and medical history,

Then system should accurately categorise low acuity patients based on their triage assessment.

Standards Compliance

STD062 NHS Number
STD064 NHS Number for Secondary Care
STD001 Accessible Information
STD018 Child Protection Information Service (CPIS)
STD036 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM-IS)
STD156 Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag
STD029 Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD130 Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
STD116 Personalised Care and Support Plan
STD169 Personal Demographics Service
STD170 Personal Demographics Service - SMSP API standards

AM.10.03 Access National Directory of Services

AM.10.03 Access National Directory of Services

DCF Innovation Capability

As a paramedic on scene,

I want the system to accurately assess the severity of low acuity patients' conditions,

So that I can book the most appropriate service for their needs.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given a paramedic on scene assesses the severity of a low acuity patients' condition,

When the system is accessed to record this assessment,

Then the system should provide access to the patient's complete local healthcare record, care plan, and allergy information, ensuring that the paramedic on scene has the necessary data to provide appropriate care and treatment to the patient.

Standards Compliance

STD062 NHS Number
STD064 NHS Number for Secondary Care
STD001 Accessible Information
STD018 Child Protection Information Service (CPIS)
STD036 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM-IS)
STD156 Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag
STD029 Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD130 Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
STD116 Personalised Care and Support Plan
STD102 Medicine and Allergy/Intolerance Data Transfer
STD169 Personal Demographics Service
STD170 Personal Demographics Service - SMSP API standards

AM.10.04 External Referral Updates

AM.10.04 External Referral Updates

DCF Innovation Capability

As an Ambulance Service Provider,

I want to receive alerts when a patient attends the service they have been booked,

So that I can see how effective the service is.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given an Ambulance Service Provider books services for patients,

When a patient attends the service they have been booked

Then, the system will send an alert or notification which is accurate reflecting the attendance of the patient.

Standards Compliance

STD062 NHS Number
STD064 NHS Number for Secondary Care
STD169 Personal Demographics Service
STD170 Personal Demographics Service - SMSP API standards