Call Triage and Dispatch

Call Triage and Dispatch




v1.0 - March 2024


Core Capability



Capability description

Supports the appropriate dispatch for emergency calls


Dispatch Operations

The system must provide the ability to receive and manage emergency calls, coordinate and dispatch appropriate emergency response resources, and ensure timely and effective responses to emergencies.

AM.07.01 Priority Based Automated Ambulance Dispatch

AM.07.01 Priority Based Automated Ambulance Dispatch

DCF Core Capability

As a dispatcher,

I want the system to automatically dispatch ambulance resources for emergency calls based on priority,

So that patients can receive timely medical assistance.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given that a dispatcher is permitted to access the system and dispatch ambulances,

When Category 1 and 2 emergency calls are received,

Then, the system should automatically dispatch the nearest available ambulance to the location of the emergency

And the system should continuously update the ambulance's location and ETA in real time, allowing for tracking and monitoring of the ambulance's progress.

Standards Compliance

STD155 Exchange of location point
STD156 Unique Street Reference Number (USRN)
STD101 Unique Property Reference Number
STD157 Formatting dates and times in data

AM.07.02 Allocate Resources to Call

AM.07.02 Allocate Resources to Call

DCF Core Capability

As a dispatcher,

I want the system to allow me to allocate the right resources with the appropriate skill set to match each incident,

So that the most suitable response can be provided for each emergency situation.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given that a dispatcher is permitted to access the system and dispatch ambulances,

When an emergency call is received,

Then the system should provide a list of available resources, including ambulances and medical personnel, with their respective skill sets and availability status.

AM.07.03 Allocate External Resources to Call

AM.07.03 Allocate External Resources to Call

DCF Core Capability

As a dispatcher allocating resource outside my Trust,

I want the system to have visibility of the available resources in different Trusts,

So that I can assign appropriate resources for an emergency incident to the specific trust from where the call was received.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given that a dispatcher is permitted to dispatch ambulances and allocate resources to other trusts,

When assigning resources for an emergency incident in a different geographical area,

Then the system should provide relevant information about the selected resources, such as their current location, ETA to the incident location, and any additional qualifications or certifications they possess.

Standards Compliance

STD155 Exchange of location point
STD156 Unique Street Reference Number (USRN)
STD101 Unique Property Reference Number
STD157 Formatting dates and times in data

AM.07.04 Visibility of Out-Of-Area Ambulance Resources

AM.07.04 Visibility of Out-Of-Area Ambulance Resources

DCF Core Capability

As a dispatcher,

I want to be able to see the real-time location of out-of-area ambulance vehicles within our Trust area,

So that I can efficiently allocate resources and respond to emergency calls.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given that a dispatcher is permitted to dispatch ambulances,

When the geographical map is accessed,

Then the system should provide the exact location of each out-of-area ambulance vehicle represented by a marker or icon on the map.

And the system should provide additional details about the vehicle, such as its vehicle number, crew members, and current status (e.g., available, en route, on scene)

Standards Compliance

STD155 Exchange of location point
STD156 Unique Street Reference Number (USRN)
STD101 Unique Property Reference Number

AM.07.05 Track Response Time for Out-Of-Area Ambulance Resources

AM.07.05 Track Response Time for Out-Of-Area Ambulance Resources

DCF Core Capability

As a dispatcher,

I want to be able to track the response time and performance of out-of-area ambulance vehicles in my Trust area,

So that I can monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of resource allocation and identify areas for improvement.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given that a dispatcher is permitted to access the system,

When response time and performance of out-of-area ambulance vehicles in the Trust area is tracked,

Then the system should provide accurate and real-time data on response times for each vehicle or resource.

And the system should generate performance reports for each resource, including metrics such as the average response time, number of incidents attended, and distance travelled.

And the system should allow the comparison of the performance of different resources and identify any outliers or areas for improvement in resource allocation.

And the system should provide alerts or notifications of any significant deviations from expected response times or performance benchmarks.

Standards Compliance

STD157 Formatting dates and times in data

AM.07.06 Accept / Transfer of ITK or BaRS calls

AM.07.06 Accept / Transfer of ITK or BaRS calls

DCF Core Capability

As a dispatcher,

I want the system to have the capability of accepting and transferring calls from ITK (Interoperability ToolKit ) or BaRS (Booking and Referrals System),

So that I can efficiently manage and respond to emergency calls received from these systems.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given that a dispatcher is permitted to access the system,

When an emergency call is received from the ITK or BaRS system,

Then the system should allow communication with the caller or the assigned ambulance / resource through the respective system's communication channels.

Standards Compliance

STD062 NHS Number
STD064 NHS Number for Secondary Care
STD136 NHS Booking and Referral Standard
STD146 NHS 111 API standard
STD165 Urgent & Emergency Care Interoperability & Technical Standards
STD085 Core information standard
STD039 Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data
STD169 Personal Demographics Service
STD170 Personal Demographics Service - SMSP API standards

AM.07.07 Match Calls to Resources

AM.07.07 Match Calls to Resources

DCF Core Capability

As a dispatcher,

I want the system to allow me to allocate the appropriate vehicle with the appropriate skillset to match each incoming call,

So that the most suitable response can be provided for each emergency situation. This includes vehicles such as RRV (Rapid Response Vehicle), DCA (Double Crewed Ambulance), CFR (Community First Responder), and PTS (Patient Transport Service).

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given that a dispatcher is permitted to access the system,

When allocating a vehicle to an emergency call,

Then the system should provide a list of available vehicles, such as RRV, DCA, CFR, and PTS.

And the system should display status about each vehicle, including its current location, ETA to the incident location, and any type of the crew (non clinical / clinical).

Standards Compliance

STD155 Exchange of location point
STD156 Unique Street Reference Number (USRN)
STD101 Unique Property Reference Number
STD157 Formatting dates and times in data

AM.07.08 Generate Mobile Data


AM.07.08 Generate Mobile Data


DCF Core Capability


As a dispatcher,

I want automated mobile data regarding the incident sent to the ambulance crew, including information about the caller / patient, their condition and location,

So that I can provide the necessary information to the ambulance crew to facilitate an effective response to the emergency.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given that a dispatcher is permitted to access the system,

When assigning a vehicle and crew for an emergency call,

Then the system should automatically generate a mobile data message containing relevant incident details, such as the patient's name, location, and a brief description of the medical condition or injury.


Standards Compliance


STD062 NHS Number
STD064 NHS Number for Secondary Care
STD001 Accessible Information
STD018 Child Protection Information Service (CPIS)
STD036 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM-IS)
STD156 Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag
STD029 Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
STD080 SNOMED CT: UK Edition
STD130 Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
STD085 Core information standard
STD123 About Me
STD155 Exchange of location point
STD156 Unique Street Reference Number (USRN)
STD101 Unique Property Reference Number
STD169 Personal Demographics Service
STD170 Personal Demographics Service - SMSP API standards


AM.07.09 Intelligent Conveyance

AM.07.09 Intelligent Conveyance

DCF Core Capability

As a dispatcher,

I want the system to incorporate intelligent conveyance

So that I can manage and minimise handover delays for queued ambulances (at hospitals) effectively.

Acceptance criterion 1:

Given that a dispatcher is permitted to access the system

When Intelligent Conveyance is utilised,

Then the system should identify queued ambulances at hospitals.

And hospital handover delays for patients requiring ED conveyance can be effectively minimised and managed by implementing safe and appropriate ambulance diversion.