User Persona - Patient

User Persona - Patient


Persona name


Persona name


Persona role


Job description

Susanne is a patient with several long term health conditions, type II diabetes, high blood pressure and previously had and was treated for breast cancer. She lives alone after losing her husband 5 years ago, she is mobile and independent but she now finds that she cannot do some of the things she used to do.



Company name

Salford Royal (local hospital)

Company size

950 beds



 Demographic information







Education level

High school

Residential environment

Suburban House

 Personal quote

Digital Confidence

Susanne is not at all confident with technology and finds a lot of things confusing. She has a smart phone but she only really uses WhatsApp to contact her grandchildren. She has tried video calls a few times with family but struggles with the technology. She much prefers face to face contact and does not like phone or video calls for her medical appointments. She has email but does not check it regularly and sometimes misses important information.


Susanne has lived in Salford her whole life and has many friends and family in the area. She worked various jobs in her life including retail and a factory job. She lived on a state pension and a modest company pension. She initially struggled after the loss of her husband but is fiercely independent and does not like to ask for help. She had and was treated for breast cancer and has regular check-ups at the hospital. She has a few age related conditions but is still physically active.

Professional goals


Professional goals


  • N/A

  • Stay active and health to spend time with her grandchildren.

  • Wants to live independently


Sources of information

  • Struggles to get face to face appointments with her GP

  • Hospital appointments can be cancelled at the last minute

The Daily Mail, BBC news and Manchester Evening Newspaper


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