Online Patient/Service User Consultation
ID | C64 |
Version | 1.0.1 |
Type | Capability |
Category | Consultations |
Status | Effective |
Effective Date | Jul 8, 2024 |
Contracting Vehicle(s) | TBC |
Enables Patients/Service Users to request and receive support relating to healthcare concerns online.
For a Patient/Service User: | Able to have their consultations conducted online where appropriate, reducing the need to attend the Healthcare Organisation or be available at specific times. |
For Primary Care: | Able to make informed decisions relating to Patient/Service User Online Consultations through information provided by them. |
For the wider NHS and social care system: | Improve Patient/Service User’s access to advice or consultation by providing an additional mode of access alongside traditional methods such as the telephone and walk ins. |
MUST Epics - Describes the minimum functionality required to deliver a Capability. Solutions MUST be successfully evaluated against each Epic and Acceptance Criteria via Capability Assessment in order to be associated with this Capability |
E00001 - Online Consultation requestsAs a Patient/Service User I want to create Online Consultation requests So that I can submit information about my needs to a Healthcare Organisation at a time and in a way that is convenient for me Acceptance criterion 1: enable Online Consultation between the Patient/Service User and the Healthcare OrganisationGiven the Patient/Service User has accessed an Online Consultation Solution When the Patient/Service User selects to create an Online Consultation request with the Healthcare Organisation Then the Healthcare Organisation can access the information provided |
MAY Epics - Describes additional functionality associated with the Capability. Suppliers should consider all MAY Epics as part of their User Research. Suppliers can choose to map their Solutions to these Epics and they will be evaluated via Capability Assessment. Contracting Authorities or purchasing organisations may require these Epics as product qualification or requirements criteria |
E00537 - Online Consultation request with a ProxyAs a Proxy I want to create Online Consultation requests on behalf of a Patient/Service User So that I can submit information about the needs of a Patient/Service User to a Healthcare Organisation at a time and in a way that is convenient for me Acceptance criterion 1: record relationship between Proxy and Patient/Service UserGiven the Proxy is permitted to create Online Consultation requests on behalf of a Patient/Service User When the Proxy selects to record the relationship between themselves and the Patient/Service User Then the relationship between the Proxy and the Patient/Service User is recorded Acceptance criterion 2: Proxy declares that they have permission to submit Online Consultation request on behalf of Patient/Service UserGiven the Proxy is permitted to create Online Consultation requests on behalf of a Patient/Service User When the Proxy selects to create an Online Consultation request on behalf of a Patient/Service User Then the Proxy declares that they have the permission of the Patient/Service User to be represented by the Proxy And the declaration of the Patient/Service User to be represented by the Proxy is recorded Acceptance criterion 3: Proxy creates Online Consultation request on behalf of Patient/Service UserGiven the Proxy is permitted to create Online Consultation requests on behalf of a Patient/Service User When the Proxy selects to create an Online Consultation request for the Patient/Service User with the Healthcare Organisation Then the Proxy can create an Online Consultation request And the Healthcare Organisation can access the information provided E00083 - configure the instructions to use the Online Consultation SolutionAs a Health or Care Professional I want to configure the instructions to use the Online Consultation Solution So that I can provide instructions relating to the use of the Online Consultation Solution Acceptance criterion 1: configure the instructions to use the Online Consultation SolutionGiven the Health or Care Professional is permitted to configure the instructions for using the Online Consultation Solution When the Health or Care Professional selects to configure the instructions for using the Online Consultation Solution Then the instructions are configured E00083 - Supporting Information
E00539 - Patient/Service User provides information for Online Consultation requestAs a Patient/Service User I want to provide information to support my Online Consultation request in relation to a healthcare concern So that the Healthcare Organisation can direct my Online Consultation request to the appropriate Health or Care Professional or service Acceptance criterion 1: emergency enquiries and direction to emergency services messageGiven Patients/Service Users are permitted to create Online Consultation requests When the Patient/Service User selects to create an Online Consultation request Then the Patient/Service User is informed that the service is not suitable for emergency enquiries and direction to emergency services is provided Acceptance criterion 2: Patient/Service User provides information for Online Consultation requestGiven Patients/Service Users are permitted to create Online Consultation requests When the Patient/Service User selects to create an Online Consultation request Then the Patient/Service User can provide their demographic & contact details And the Patient/Service User is presented with an Online Consultation request question set And the Patient/Service User completes the Online Consultation request question set E00539 - Additional Implementation DetailsSolutions MUST comply with the following when implementing this Epic:
E00540 - Proxy provides information for Online Consultation requestAs a Proxy I want to provide information for an Online Consultation request on behalf of a Patient/Service User So that the Healthcare Organisation can direct my Online Consultation request to the appropriate Health or Care Professional or service Acceptance criterion 1: emergency enquiries and direction to emergency services messageGiven Proxies are permitted to create Online Consultation requests on behalf of a Patient/Service User When the Proxy selects to create an Online Consultation request with the Healthcare Organisation on behalf of a Patient/Service User Then the Proxy is informed that the service is not suitable for emergency enquiries and direction to emergency services is provided Acceptance criterion 2: Proxy provides information for Online Consultation requestGiven Proxies are permitted to create Online Consultation requests on behalf of a Patient/Service User When the Proxy selects to create an Online Consultation request with the Healthcare Organisation on behalf of a Patient/Service User Then the Proxy can provide Patient/Service User demographic & contact details And the Proxy is presented with an Online Consultation request question set And the Proxy completes the Online Consultation request question set E00540 - Additional Implementation DetailsSolutions MUST comply with the following when implementing this Epic:
E00541 - Health or Care Professional creates Online Consultation request on behalf of a Patient/Service UserAs a Health or Care Professional I want to provide information for an Online Consultation request on behalf of a Patient/Service User So that the Healthcare Organisation can direct their Online Consultation request to the appropriate Health or Care Professional or service Acceptance criterion 1: Health or Care Professional creates Online Consultation request on behalf of a Patient/Service UserGiven the Health or Care Professional is permitted to make an Online Consultation request on behalf of a Patient/Service User When the Health or Care Professional selects to create an Online Consultation request on behalf of a Patient/Service User Then the Health or Care Professional can provide Patient/Service User demographic & contact details And the Health or Care Professional is presented with an Online Consultation request question set And the Health or Care Professional completes the Online Consultation request question set E00542 - include electronic files in an Online Consultation requestAs a Citizen I want to include electronic files in an Online Consultation request So that I can provide additional information to support the Online Consultation request Acceptance criterion 1: include electronic files in an Online Consultation requestGiven the Citizen has selected to create an Online Consultation request When the Citizen selects to include an electronic file in the Online Consultation request And provides a description of the contents of the electronic file Then a warning message is displayed And the electronic file is included in the Online Consultation request Acceptance criterion 2: view electronic files in an Online Consultation requestGiven an electronic file has been included in an Online Consultation request for a Citizen When the Health or Care Professional selects to view the electronic file in the Online Consultation request Then the Health or Care Professional can view the electronic file E00543 - respond to Online Consultation request from CitizensAs a Health or Care Professional I want to view an Online Consultation request created by a Citizen So that I can respond to their Online Consultation request in the most appropriate way Acceptance criterion 1: view Online Consultation requestGiven the Health or Care Professional is permitted to view Online Consultation requests When the Health or Care Professional selects to view an Online Consultation request Then the Online Consultation request is displayed And all information provided by the Citizen for the Online Consultation request is displayed Acceptance criterion 2: respond to an Online ConsultationGiven the Health or Care Professional is permitted to view Online Consultation requests When the Health or Care Professional selects to respond to an Online Consultation request Then the Health or Care Professional can respond to the Online Consultation request And the Citizen can view the response E00544 - automated response to Online Consultation requestAs a Health or Care Professional I want the Online Consultation Solution to provide an automated response to Online Consultation requests created by Citizens So that the Citizen receives confirmation that their Online Consultation request has been created Acceptance criterion 1: configure the automated response to Online Consultation requestsGiven the Health or Care Professional is permitted to configure the automated response to Online Consultation requests When the Health or Care Professional selects to configure the automated response to Online Consultation requests Then the automated response is configured Acceptance criterion 2: automated response to an Online Consultation requestsGiven an automated response to Online Consultation requests has been configured When the Citizen creates an Online Consultation request Then the automated response is provided to the Citizen E00545 - link Online Consultation request and responsesAs a Health or Care Professional I want Online Consultation requests and responses to be linked So that I have a record of interactions with the Citizen Acceptance criterion 1: link Online Consultation request and responsesGiven there is an Online Consultation request from a Citizen When the Health or Care Professional selects to provide a response to the Online Consultation request Then the response is linked to the selected Online Consultation request from the Citizen Acceptance criterion 2: Citizen can view the Online Consultation request and responseGiven the Health and Care Professional has provided a response to the Online Consultation request When the Citizen selects to view the response to the Online Consultation request Then the response to the Online Consultation request is displayed Acceptance criterion 3: Health or Care Professional can view the Online Consultation request and responseGiven the Citizen has provided a response to the Health or Care Professional’s response When the Health or Care Professional selects to view the Online Consultation request and all responses Then the Online Consultation request with all responses is displayed E00546 - Citizen feedback for Online ConsultationAs a Citizen I want the facility to provide feedback after an Online Consultation So that I can provide feedback on my experience Acceptance criterion 1: offer Citizen feedback on an Online ConsultationGiven the Citizen is conducting an Online Consultation with a Health or Care Professional When the Online Consultation with the Health or Care Professional has completed Then the option to provide feedback on the Online Consultation is displayed to the Citizen Acceptance criterion 2: capture feedback on an Online ConsultationGiven the option to provide feedback for an Online Consultation is displayed to the Citizen When the Citizen selects to provide feedback Then the Citizen can provide feedback And the feedback is shared with the Healthcare Organisation E00547 - follow-up Online Consultation requestAs a Patient/Service User I want to create a follow-up Online Consultation request So that the Healthcare Organisation can receive information in relation to an ongoing healthcare concern Acceptance criterion 1: emergency enquiries and direction to emergency services messageGiven Patients/Service Users are permitted to create follow-up Online Consultation requests When the Patient/Service User selects to create a follow-up Online Consultation request Then the Patient/Service User is informed that the service is not suitable for emergency enquiries and direction to emergency services is provided Acceptance criterion 2: Patient/Service User provides information for follow-up Online Consultation requestGiven Patients/Service Users are permitted to create follow-up Online Consultation requests When the Patients/Service User selects to create a follow-up Online Consultation request Then the Patients/Service User provides the required information And the Healthcare Organisation can access the information provided E00616 - configure question sets for Online Consultation requestsAs a Health or Care Professional I want to configure the question sets for Online Consultation requests So that I can gather appropriate information during an Online Consultation request Acceptance criterion 1: configure question sets for Online Consultation requestsGiven the Health or Care Professional is permitted to configure question sets for Online Consultation requests When the Health or Care Professional selects to configure a question set for Online Consultation requests Then the question set for Online Consultation requests is configured E00548 - enable/disable Online Consultation requestsAs a Health or Care Professional I want to enable/disable the ability to create Online Consultation requests So that I can configure when my Healthcare Organisation will receive Online Consultation requests Acceptance criterion 1: enable Online Consultation requestsGiven the Health or Care Professional is permitted to configure Online Consultation requests When the Health or Care Professional selects to enable Online Consultation requests Then Online Consultation requests are enabled Acceptance criterion 2: disable Online Consultation requestsGiven the Health or Care Professional is permitted to configure Online Consultation requests When the Health or Care Professional selects to disable Online Consultation requests Then Online Consultation requests are disabled And Citizens are notified when Online Consultation requests will be available |
Items on the Roadmap which impact or relate to this Capability