Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing








Community-based care



Effective Date

Sep 9, 2024

Contracting Vehicle(s)


Enables Health and Care Professionals to record outcomes of wellness assessments and refer Patient/Service Users to one or more non-clinical interventions or services.


For a Patient/Service User:

Referral to non-clinical interventions or services, to support their care or treatment.

For a Health or Care Professional:

Record outcomes of wellness assessments to consider a Patient/Service User’s wider practical, social or emotional needs.

MUST Epics - Describes the minimum functionality required to deliver a Capability. Solutions MUST be successfully evaluated against each Epic and Acceptance Criteria via Capability Assessment in order to be associated with this Capability.

MUST Epics - Describes the minimum functionality required to deliver a Capability. Solutions MUST be successfully evaluated against each Epic and Acceptance Criteria via Capability Assessment in order to be associated with this Capability.

E00662 - record outcomes of wellness assessments

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to record the outcomes of wellness assessments for Patient/Service Users

So that I can record their non-clinical health or care needs

Acceptance criterion 1: record outcomes of wellness assessments

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to record the outcomes of wellness assessments

When the Heath or Care Professional selects to record the outcome of a wellness assessment

Then the outcome is recorded

E00662 - Supporting Information

  • Wellness assessments MAY use a methodology appropriate to the Patient/Service User’s conditions, circumstances, and needs

  • Examples of wellness assessment methodologies MAY include, but are not limited to:

    • The Short-Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (SWEMWBS)

    • The Well-being Star

E00663 - create Social Prescribing Referrals

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to create Social Prescribing Referrals for Patient/Service Users

So that they can be referred to support for their non-clinical health or care needs

Acceptance criterion 1: create Social Prescribing Referrals

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to create Social Prescribing Referrals

When the Health or Care Professional selects to create a Social Prescribing Referral

Then the Referral is created

E00663 - Supporting Information

  • Examples of Social Prescribing Referrals MAY include, but are not limited to:

    • Referrals to Link Workers

    • Referrals to Social Prescribing services

MAY Epics - Describes additional functionality associated with the Capability. Suppliers should consider all MAY Epics as part of their User Research. Suppliers can choose to map their Solutions to these Epics and they will be evaluated via Capability Assessment. Contracting Authorities or purchasing organisations may require these Epics as product qualification or requirements criteria.

MAY Epics - Describes additional functionality associated with the Capability. Suppliers should consider all MAY Epics as part of their User Research. Suppliers can choose to map their Solutions to these Epics and they will be evaluated via Capability Assessment. Contracting Authorities or purchasing organisations may require these Epics as product qualification or requirements criteria.

E00664 - record outcomes from Social Prescribing services

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to record outcomes from Social Prescribing services for Patient/Service Users

So that I can monitor the effectiveness of Social Prescribing Referrals

Acceptance criterion 1: record outcomes from Social Prescribing services

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to record outcomes from Social Prescribing services

When the Health or Care Professional selects to record the outcome of a Social Prescribing service

Then the outcome is recorded

E00665 - record Social Prescribing information to a Patient/Service User’s record

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to record Social Prescribing information to a Patient/Service User’s record

So that I can view Social Prescribing information in the Patient/Service User’s record

Acceptance criterion 1: record Social Prescribing information to a Patient/Service User’s record

Give the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage Social Prescribing information

When the Health or Care Professional selects to record Social Prescribing information to a Patient/Service User’s record

Then Social Prescribing information is recorded to the Patient/Service User’s record

E00665 - Supporting Information

  • Examples of Social prescribing information MAY include, but are not limited to:

    • Social Prescribing assessments

    • Referrals to Social Prescribing services

E00666 - manage directory of Social Prescribing services

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to manage a directory of Social Prescribing services

So that Social Prescribing services can be selected when creating Referrals

Acceptance criterion 1: add Social Prescribing services to the directory

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage a directory of Social Prescribing services

When the Health or Care Professional selects to add a Social Prescribing service to the directory

Then the Social Prescribing service is added

Acceptance criterion 2: view Social Prescribing services in the directory

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage a directory of Social Prescribing services

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view a Social Prescribing service in the directory

Then the Social Prescribing service is displayed

Acceptance criterion 3: amend Social Prescribing services in the directory

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage a directory of Social Prescribing services

When the Health or Care Professional selects to amend a Social Prescribing service in the directory

Then the Social Prescribing service is amended

Acceptance criterion 4: remove Social Prescribing services from the directory

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage a directory of Social Prescribing services

When the Health or Care Professional selects to remove a Social Prescribing service from the directory

Then the Social Prescribing service is removed

E00667 - Heath or Care Professionals manage feedback on Social Prescribing services

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to manage feedback on Social Prescribing services

So that feedback on Social Prescribing services is managed

Acceptance criterion 1: record feedback on Social Prescribing services

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage feedback on Social Prescribing services

When the Health or Care Professional selects to record feedback on a Social Prescribing service

Then the feedback is recorded

Acceptance criterion 2: view feedback on Social Prescribing services

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage feedback on Social Prescribing services

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view feedback on a Social Prescribing service

Then the feedback is displayed

Acceptance criterion 3: remove feedback for Social Prescribing services

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage feedback for Social Prescribing services

When the Health or Care Professional selects to remove feedback for a Social Prescribing service

Then the feedback is removed

E00668 - Patient/Service Users record feedback on Social Prescribing services

As a Patient/Service User

I want to record feedback on Social Prescribing services

So that feedback on Social Prescribing services is recorded

Acceptance criterion 1: Patient/Service Users record feedback on Social Prescribing services

Given the Patient/Service User is permitted to manage feedback on Social Prescribing services

When the Patient/Service User selects to record feedback on a Social Prescribing service

Then the feedback is recorded

Acceptance criterion 2: Patient/Service Users view feedback on Social Prescribing services

Given the Patient/Service User is permitted to manage feedback on Social Prescribing services

When the Patient/Service User selects to view feedback on a Social Prescribing service

Then the feedback is displayed

E00669 - view Social Prescribing reports

As a Health or Care Professional

I want to view Social Prescribing reports

So that I can use Social Prescribing data to inform decision making

Acceptance criterion 1: view Social Prescribing reports

Given the Health or Care Professional is permitted to manage Social Prescribing reports

When the Health or Care Professional selects to view Social Prescribing reports

Then the report results are displayed 


Items on the Roadmap which impact or relate to this Capability