RSV data flow from GPIT to the NHS England Vaccinations Digital Services (VDS)
ID | RM241 |
Version | 1.0.1 |
Type | Roadmap Item |
Contracting Vehicle(s) |
Title | RSV data flow from GPIT to the NHS England Vaccinations Digital Services (VDS) |
Description | Introduce a data flow for RSV Vaccinations to flow from GPIT Solutions to the NHS England Vaccinations Digital Services (VDS); and a model clarification |
Date Added | Jul 2, 2024 |
Standards and Capabilities | Patient Information Maintenance - GP |
Change Route | Managed Capacity - Other |
Change Type | Uplift |
Status | Closed |
Publication Date | Jul 24, 2024 |
Effective Date | Oct 24, 2024 |
Incentives / Funding | No |
Incentive / Funding Dates | N/A |
Addition of the RSV Daily Clinical Vaccination extract technical specification:
A brand-new immunisation programme is being introduced in September 2024 to protect the population (particularly infants and older adults) and the NHS from the significant impact of the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).
Mobilising the whole vaccinating ‘system’ (at increased scale/pace, to protect the NHS and population this winter (2024), in line with ministerial and public health body steers) requires consistent, timely data from wherever the vaccination was captured.
The proposal is to facilitate the transfer of RSV vaccinations from GP IT systems to the VDS programme in a streamlined and timely manner. This will allow the downstream sharing of GP vaccinations of RSV in a timely manner.
Model Clarification - Removal of the COVID-19 - NHS Digital daily clinical vaccination extract technical specification:
For GPs, at present, COVID-19 Vaccinations are only contractually permitted to be administered and recorded using an assured Point of Care system as part of a Primary Care Network Grouping and cannot be administered at individual General Practice level using the Foundation Solution. Therefore, this requirement is not required to be delivered by Foundation Suppliers.
There are future plans to support the recording of COVID-19 Vaccination information by General Practice staff, but the method for extracting this information from the Foundation Solutions is still to be confirmed.
The Summary of Change of this Roadmap Item also includes changes introduced via RM218 - Extract vaccination data - adding schedule information.
Outline Plan
Patient Information Maintenance - GP Capability to be updated as defined in the Summary of Change.
Addition of RSV daily clinical vaccination extract technical specification:
Work to be completed by 1st September 2024 to coincide with the start of the RSV programme.
Model Clarification - Removal of COVID-19 NHS Digital daily clinical vaccination extract technical specification:
This change has no impact on Foundation Suppliers as they are not currently extracting and sending COVID-19 vaccination data to the Authority at the individual General Practice level.
Summary of Change
Patient Information Maintenance - GP: E00303 updated |
E00303 - extract vaccination data for PatientsAs a Health or Care Professional I want vaccination data recorded for Patients to be sent to the Authority on behalf of my Healthcare Organisation So that vaccination data recorded at relating to my Healthcare Organisation for Patients can be submitted to the Authority Acceptance criterion 1: create the vaccination data extracts fileGiven there is vaccination data for Patients to be submitted for the Healthcare Organisation When the creation of the vaccination data extract file is triggered Then the vaccination data extract file is created E00303 - Additional Implementation DetailsSolutions MUST comply with the following when implementing this Epic:
Full Specification
Patient Information Maintenance - GP v7.0.0
Assurance Approach
Addition of RSV daily clinical vaccination extract technical specification:
In Scope
Assure that the vaccinations recorded in GPIT can be extracted into CSV format which meets the spec.
Assure the data entered into the UI flows to the CSV extract without loss or corruption.
Assure that extracts contain record where only the agreed list of procedure/product codes have been recorded.
Assure updated or deleted records flow to the CSV extract.
Confirm ‘not given’ records are not extracted.
Update of clinical safety documentation and complete clinical assurance to secure Clinical Authority To Release (CATR).
Non-functional assurance e.g. can the Suppliers support the expected volumes.
Any UI elements that are not directly involved in displaying vaccinations data.
Interaction with Spine services.
Any other data flows downstream of the GP.
Model Clarification - Removal of COVID-19 daily clinical vaccination extract technical specification: