Update Assurance process on the National Data Opt-out Standard
ID | RM184 |
Version | 1.0.0 |
Type | Roadmap Item |
Frameworks |
Title | Update Assurance process on the National Data Opt-out Standard |
Description | Changes to the National Data Opt-out Standard due to a new assurance process |
Date Added | May 16, 2023 |
Standards and Capabilities | Interoperability Standard, National Data Opt-out |
Change Route | Patch |
Change Type | Uplift |
Status | Closed |
Publication Date | May 30, 2023 |
Effective Date | Jun 13, 2023 |
Incentives / Funding | No |
Incentive / Funding Dates | N/A |
The National Data Opt-Out is an option that gives Patients a simple and accessible way of controlling how their Confidential Patient Information (CPI) is used for purposes beyond direct care. The National Data Opt-Out allows Patients to choose if they wish to only allow their CPI to be used for their direct care and treatment, or if they wish to allow their data to be shared with other Health Care Organisations for planning and research purposes.
By 31st July 2022, Suppliers of General Practice systems needed to be compliant with all requirements pertaining to National Data Opt-Out. Where the National Data Opt-out must be applied, it should be at the earliest stage in the processing chain as possible, prior to any data being extracted from the Foundation Solution.
A new Assurance Approach has been defined and clarification guidance regarding the data bulk extract has been included in the National Data Opt-out Standard.
Outline Plan
Summary of Change
Interoperability Standard - National Data Opt-Out: Introduction, Compliance and Requirement sections updated |
IntroductionThe National Data Opt-Out Service Programme has been established to ensure that a mechanism is developed and available for Health and Social Care organisations to use that will enable a Patient’s preference to be honoured accordingly, e.g. if a Patient’s preference is to opt-out then their data is to be withheld from being shared from appropriate disclosures – this is known as the ‘Upholding’ of an opt-out. Compliance, and Assurance and TestingAt a high-level, Compliance, Assurance and Testing of the National Data Opt-Out will align with the following steps:
Upon agreement that DVC has been met, the Supplier is then permitted to move to full rollout Note: New Market Entrants Foundation Suppliers will not be able to move to live service until the full foundation Solution has been assured. This will be managed by the Suppliers assigned GPITF delivery lead. For further information or to onboard to National Data Opt Out, please contact liveservices.operations@nhs.net At a high-level, Compliance, Assurance and Testing of the National Data Opt-Out will align with the following steps:
RequirementsNational Data Opt-Out applies to all in-scope data from GP systems including any exports, extracts, releases, disseminations and disclosures from GP systems as defined by National Data Opt-Outs Operational Policy. Supplier Solutions need to retrieve the National Data Opt-Out Status before using or disclosing data, which can be done over Message Exchange for Social Care and Health (MESH). Technical information below describes, how to access and use MESH to check for national data opt-outs: Check for National Data Opt-outs Service DCB3058 Compliance with National Data Opt-Outs contains further information on the Standard and information on the legal, strategic and policy context behind the requirements. The final set of National Data Opt-Out requirements, v2.0 published April 2019, can be accessed below:
Full Specification
National Opt-Out Standard
Assurance Approach
See the updated Assurance Approach in the National Opt-Out Standard.