COVID Vaccinations Extract

COVID Vaccinations Extract



TypeRoadmap Item
  • GP IT Futures

  • Tech Innovation


COVID Vaccinations Extract


Data feed to support uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations

Date Added 
Standards and Capabilities

Patient Information Maintenance - GP

Change Route

Urgent Change

Change Type




Publication Date 
Effective Date


Incentives / Funding


Incentive Dates



This roadmap item is to reflect the changes previously implemented under an urgent change during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

It is now required to uplift the Standard to reflect these changes, however, the specification has already been implemented by most Suppliers under the urgent change provision.

Outline Plan

Not applicable. The purpose of this Roadmap Item is to reflect retrospective changes already implemented by Suppliers via the Urgent Change route.

Summary of Change

Epic E00303 will be updated to include link to NHS Digital daily clinical vaccination extract technical specification.

Update to Patient Information Maintenance - GP:

E00303 - extract vaccination data

As a Health or Care Professional

I want vaccination data to be sent to NHS Digital on behalf of my Healthcare Organisation

So that vaccination data relating to my Healthcare Organisation can be submitted to NHS Digital

Acceptance criterion 1: create the vaccination data extracts

Given there is vaccination data to be submitted for the Healthcare Organisation

When the creation of the vaccination data extract file is triggered

Then the vaccination data extract file is created

E00303 - Additional Implementation Details

Solutions MUST comply with the following when implementing this Epic:

  • MMR vaccination - technical Specification for GPIT Suppliers to NHS Digital delimited extract

  • COVID-19 -  NHS Digital daily clinical vaccination extract technical specification

  • Seasonal Flu - Daily clinical vaccination specification

Note: "Seasonal Flu - Daily clinical vaccination specification" is an addition to E00303 as part of the delivery of RM149 Flu Vaccinations Extract

Full Specification

Patient Information Maintenance - GP v3.0.0

Note: Changes to Patient Information Maintenance - GP v3.0.0 include changes as part of the delivery of;

  • RM140 Lipid Management Stage 1
  • RM148 COVID Vaccinations Extract
  • RM149 Flu Vaccinations Extract

Changes specific to each change is outlined in the Summary of Change section of the respective Roadmap Item

Further information regarding extracting vaccination data can be found in API Catalogue - Vaccination. 

Assurance Approach

The Assurance Approach executed for this retrospective change is detailed below. 

  • Technical review of sample files from each Supplier
  • Load of sample test file from each Supplier
  • Load of sample live file from each Supplier into live staging tables for DQ validation
  • Data in versus data out verification through video witness test session and generated outbound data files from systems