Firearms Warnings
ID | RM155 |
Version | 1.0.0 |
Type | Roadmap Item |
Frameworks |
Title | Firearms Warnings |
Description | Urgent change to introduce a new set of Business Rules (including a firearms marker) which supports GP's role in the firearms license process. |
Date Added | Mar 22, 2023 |
Standards and Capabilities | Patient Information Maintenance - GP |
Change Route | Urgent Change |
Change Type | New |
Status | Closed |
Publication Date | Apr 5, 2023 |
Effective Date | Apr 5, 2023 |
Incentives / Funding | No |
Incentive / Funding Dates | N/A |
A memorandum of understanding, signed by the Home Office in July 2019 stated that whilst the legal responsibility for monitoring firearms holders rests with the Police, GP's should use 'reasonable endeavours' to support the licensing process. This includes the ability to place a flag on an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) to alert Clinicians to a Patient's status as a firearms license holder. The statutory guidance reinforces these key principles and states that GP's are responsible for providing reports of medical facts, with the Police making the final judgement on the issuing of the firearms license.
NHS England GPIT programme has produced a set of Business Rules to aid implementation by GPIT System Suppliers of a firearms marker that can be applied to an EPR to meet this legislation. The rules were developed by a small project team working with Clinicians, and in turn worked with the British Medical Association (BMA) and the Home Office.
The Business Rules were communicated directly to Incumbent Suppliers as part of an Urgent Change route by the project team. An uplift to the Capability is now required to reflect these changes, however, the specification has already been implemented by Suppliers under the Urgent Change route.
Outline Plan
The purpose of this Roadmap Item is to reflect retrospective changes already implemented by Suppliers of services which ARE currently deployed into an operational environment via the Urgent Change route (Incumbent Suppliers). Suppliers of new services or applications (i.e. those which are NOT currently deployed into an operational environment) are now required to make this change.
Summary of Change
Additional MUST Epic added to Patient Information Maintenance - GP |
E00396 - firearms warningsAs a Health or Care Professional I want to be warned of any conditions that may cause concern when completing a Medical Information Proforma for an Applicant in support of a firearm license request So that I can be supported in completing the Medical Information Proforma Acceptance criterion 1: warning listing all conditions of concern when recording new firearms application for a PatientGiven the Health or Care Professional has recorded the coded term for a new firearms application to the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) When there are any coded terms from the Firearms Trigger Concept Simple Reference Set (FTCSRS) in the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) Then a warning is displayed listing these coded terms Acceptance criterion 2: warning when recording FTCSRS code for a Patient that holds or has recently applied for a Firearms CertificateGiven there is a current Firearm Certificate Code in the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) When the Health or Care Professional records a coded term from the Firearms Trigger Concept Simple Reference Set (FTCSRS) in the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) Then a warning is displayed advising that the Patient holds or has recently applied for a Firearms Certificate E00396 - Supporting Information
E00396 - Additional Implementation DetailsSolutions MUST comply with the following when implementing this Epic: |
Full Specification
Patient Information Maintenance - GP v5.0.1
Assurance Approach
Risk Based Assurance (RBA) will be undertaken by Solution Assurance (SA) in collaboration with other stakeholders, for assuring Suppliers for the Digital Firearms Marker (DFM) technical implementation. Risks have already been pre-identified with the implementation of this technical functionality and captured in a Digital Firearms Marker SA Risk Log (Solution Assurance Risk Assessment workbook). This will be shared with an onboarding Supplier closer to that Supplier being ready to engage with the Programme for implementing this functionality.
Each risk item in the SA DFM Risk Log constitutes an individual risk and captures:
The unwanted effects which could be introduced, associated with technical functionality
The impact of those unwanted effects occurring
The primary areas affected by the unwanted effect
The SA DFM Risk Log also identifies the assurance controls to mitigate each of the identified risks through test and assurance activities. Following the review of the Supplier's response to the SA DFM Risk Log through the risk log submission, SA will perform assurance activities to support the delivery and onboarding of a Supplier solution and will further elaborate within the risk log as to how SA have assured the Supplier's control of risk.
Upon completion of the technical assurance activities, SA will produce a summary assurance statement, detailing all the assurance activities undertaken by SA for the Supplier, and provide a recommendation to proceed to Live, with/without an associated work-off plan.